I have a 2007 with 55,000 miles on it. The dash display does not always come on when the car starts. It generally takes 30-40 minutes of driving before the dash comes on. Until that time, nothing on the dashboard works--so I have no idea how fast I'm going and the odometer has not tracked the mileage I've driven once the dashboard does come on. This started over a year ago, but at that time the malfunction occurred 1-2 times a month. The frequency has increased, however, and it now occurs about 9-10 times per month. It only happens in the early morning. Most times it's cold (zero to -5), sometimes it's 40 degree weather, and once it was warm but pouring rain. The dealer cannot replicate the problem and has not provided a solution. Has anyone else had a similar problem with the dash?
There have been several recent posts with similar complaints. A further complaint is that the car may not power down when you press the POWER button. The solution seems to be to replace the combination meter, which is the dash display unit. At your mileage this will not be covered under warranty, and the part is pretty expensive. However if you buy a new unit from your Toyota dealer, the new unit will be programmed with the odometer reading from your current unit. An alternate solution to buying a new unit from the dealer is to buy a salvage unit, however the odometer reading will be from the salvaged vehicle.
Never had a problem w/mine but my 06 is only at ~36K miles. Patrick's right. See Luscious Garage | Hybrid Specialists | Blog | LG TV - Prius Dead Dashboard and one of the recent threads on this like http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/57445-instrument-panel-problem-video.html.
Once in a while I also have a problem with the car not powering off when I press the power button. Will the combination meter replacement resolve this issue as well? I do have the extended warranty so I'm hoping this will be covered. (In addition, I first brought this to the dealer's attention at 32,000 miles. They just haven't been able to resolve it.) Appreciate the info!
Yes, Carolyn at Luscious Garage developed the theory that when the combination meter is not working, since the car doesn't know what speed it is traveling at, it will ignore your pressing the POWER button as a safety measure (don't want your car to be turned off accidentally when you are at speed.) Until you get this fixed, if that particular problem occurs it might help to depress and hold the POWER button down for several seconds, waiting for the car to power off. If you can document that the problem first occurred at 32K miles, then you should be able to ask for the combination meter to be replaced under the 36K mile warranty. Good luck.
does anyone know what a snowflake symbol is? I replaced my intermittent display with a used display, and everything works again, but there is a symbol (not listed in the manual) that persists on the screen, and looks like a snowflake on a highway?
Snowflake got removed on 06 and newer Priuses. Perhaps you got an older display? It supposedly comes on if the outside air temp reaches 37 F or below. Is that city you indicate in WA state?