That's Oolong the rabbit photographed by his owner doing a 'head performance'. Sadly, Oolong has passed away. But his owner has a new rabbit. And Oolong is still alive in the hearts of many who knew him through his website. He even has an entry in the Wikipedia. Oolong in the Wikipedia Find Oolong the rabbit. Syberpunk's Oolong entry. Oolong's Website. My favorite picture
BRAVO, bigdaddy. What a piece of work. No wonder you needed some downtempo music, after the ordeal of scanning every member. I like all the calendar cover submissions, with the edge to thecan's. And I think "Oolong in Repose With Pancakes" should somehow be anointed the official mascot of FHOP. A fitting memorial.
Tony? did you have to re-register?? i thought for sure you were here before i was. i first came here in Dec 03 right after ordering my Prius. started here on a day to day basis probably in Jan-Feb and registered later. just hard to believe you came after me... *afterthought* (higher form of edit) its kinda funny. i registered after i read about Danny's visit to Seattle with Bookrats and a few others. i was bummered that i missed that. would have loved to have showed up...
That picture is awesome! Now I just have to try to find my "Tiny" avatar out there (Tiny is the name of the kitty in my avatar) Edit: I found Tiny. Several times in fact!
You are 5th row up from bottom. Just on the outside edge of the big circle. All locations subject to change...
Sasha and Belle thank you! I will have to wait to check it out when I get home this work computer is a stripped down Dell with nothing on it.
It's still going - it looks like it'll be pushed to early January for production. I'll keep everyone updated about final details.
Any more updates? I apologize if I missed it in another thread. After the hustle and bustle of the holidays I realized that I haven't yet received any PC Calendars yet...
Any thoughts on making BigDaddy's poster into a real poster and selling it? Costco does 12x18 prints for about $2.95 - you can send in via the web and pick up at the store.
That's funny that you mentioned that. I had a free poster coming to me from ShutterFly, so I sent in the full scale, full quality image to see how it would look. Just got notice this morning that it has shipped. Will know more in a few days. (Thanks for the Costco tip, are they good quality? I might do a lot of my printing there instead of at home with my ink-sucking photo printer.)
Hi John!! My gosh, the holidays were so insane, it's been over a month since I was last here. Anyway, I wanted to let you (and everyone else) know that I was finally able to put aside some time to work on the calendars through my workplace again this year, and they should be arriving to Danny no later than the 26th, at the absolute latest, but hopefully I can get them out sooner. I just wanted to pass on that they are on their way, and that I'm sorry that my company was unable to work on them during our crazy past few months. They'll be here soon, I promise! Take care and thanks to everyone for the patience! -m.
We're still trying to decide on that one. No matter what, though, bigdaddy, we're going to use your collage image for somewhere in the calendar, if not the cover. I'm still investigating doing the posters - I'll keep everyone up to date with what I find, and if you have any suggestions, please let me know!