Hey everyone, Im a new Prius owner, I picked up a new Dark Blue 2011 Prius II 3 nights ago and love it! It's like playing a damn video game when I drive, but the high score is replaced by high MPG. So far, after 200 miles I'm averaging 58mpg and am hoping to learn the techniques for 75+ oh and already tinted the windows and think it makes the car look much better than before. Anyway just some stuff about myself, I'm 26, live in Florida and I'm an air traffic controller. And I won't lie I use to be a Prius hater until recently when I thought I'd go give one a test drive because I saw a local dealer had this one new for 21k, didnt think I would drive off with it, but it was so damn cool I had to! The interior is what caught my eye first, then when I took it for a spin and realized it wasn't nearly the slug I thought it was, I had to have it. So long story short, here I am.
I know that misconception about the Prius being a slug. Unfortunately, it is just people going slow, perhaps to hypermile, perhaps just because some people drive slowly, but you only notice it when you can remember the car. When we were kids, we used to say, "Oh no, we're stuck behind a Volkswagen!" In any event, your reaction sounds typical, like mine. Awesome car, and the mileage is phenomenal. It is probably a good time of year to get such high mileage, although, as with any car, when you add services, like AC in the Summer or heat pretty much most of the year up here, you will see a decrease in your mileage. But think how low it would be in a regular ICE only vehicle. Welcome aboard. Have fun with that. Post some pics of the tint job. That is pretty much required in Florida, I hear.
Oh, that's a great story. Used to be Prius hater, but converted. I never batted an eye at Prius 4 years ago until someone recommended to check it out. Big light bulb went off on the first drive, like wow, car of the future or SLT. anyrate, wecome. :welcome:
Congrats on you fine purchase. Be prepared for confused & stunned looks from other drivers when you actually drive faster than them. Lol Sometimes I like to drive like a real spaceship. Set engines to warp speed Scotty... (On a closed track away from traffic. Please don't try this on public roads.)
Welcome, colossus3200 ... only YOU can answer why it took so long. But hey, better late than never. And PearlJammer ... what the heck is that thing in your driveway?!? :twitch: .
Welcome, and I echo your findings. I used to fixate on my Garmin and see how I could cut a minute or two off my ETA and now I only focus on my MPGs and how high I can keep them. Enjoy the ride!
I have never understood Prius 'hate'. Anyway, I'm glad OP let experience trump prejudice, and I hope he repents by giving free rides
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Ill have pics up this weekend...after I go back to the dealership for my free car wash and have them turn off the multiple reverse beeps. They couldn't do it on the day of purchase because we didn't finish the paperwork until well after closing. And hyper, I didn't even know that was possible!? Awesome! Also, I am giving free rides and test drives to anyone I can force in to the thing, and so far I've changed several peoples misconceptions about this car.
mmcdonal, I'm about to search for a post about how to do that front logo you have there, but I have a question...Do you get any grief from the police about it? Or does it turn off when driving? I'll definitely check my local laws before going ahead with it, just curious about your experiences.
Welcome and enjoy. It also took me many years to appreciate owning a hybrid. Before a recent trip, I got to choose how much I wanted to spend in gas for the day: $60, $36, or $19. I decided to save money that day.
I purchased a kit from a poster here. But you can do this using materials from an LED vendor. You will also need to modify your badge to allow light through. I have never had problems with the police (yet.) I think Virginia would be the only problem since they reserve blue lights for their emergency vehicles. Maryland has multicolored light bars. In any event, you can put a switch inline with the power source.
Is that really 138mph? Was that with OEM tires? Ouch! I read a while back that the car cuts off much sooner. Maybe that was genII.
I just asked Siri how fast HyperFX drove his Prius. She did not know but did tell me where I could buy some fresh avocados.
He probably had just eased off the pedal, no pressure would equal 99+, all false conceptions. You'll notice that the last historical bar cannot be seen and the one that can be seen looks like about 40mpg, which is more realistic. It is surprising to me that 138 MPH can be obtained. The Gen II could only do 105 mph. Thanks for the Photo. :cheer2: