Interrogative To New 2012 “vee” Owners – Is the VPNS function activated and noticeably emitting “Proximity Notification” sounds in your new ride? I did a “Parking Lot Test” of the VPNS with my "V" For "V"ictory petrol warfighter in its “stealth,” EV propulsion, mode moving a under 15 MPH, and with my wife as the “Blind Pedestrian” listener. She heard no “the Prius' noise-maker will also raise or lower the pitch of the hum based on the vehicle's speed. This gives pedestrians the ability to gauge the speed and direction of the Prius, says Toyota” or other noise, sound, “Space Ship” sound, “White Noise,” or auditory etceteras being emitted by our new fuel-sipper. Additionally, the security guard at the entrance gatehouse recently commented as I passed through on “stealth” EV-Electric Power, “Your car is super quiet.” I am wondering if Toyota/Local Dealer/Southeastern Toyota Regional has the VPNS sound deactivated for pre-sale marketing purposes. That is, so the VPNS warning sound cannot be heard during test drives of the “v” by prospective buyers who might be deterred from purchasing a $30,000 car with built-in OEM “noise maker.” I am going in to have some dealer-owed, post-sale “We Owes” installed in my “vee” by my local Toyota Dealer in a few days, and will have my “silent” VPNS “fixed/activated” when it is in there. FWIW FYI NOTE: The Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2010, sponsored by Sen. John Kerry [D-MA], was passed by the Senate 12/9/2010, passed the House 12/16/2010, and was signed into law by President Obama Jan 4, 2011. The new law requires the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to be the “Noise Cop” for new, quiet EVs (Electric Vehicles). All 2012 model year and beyond Prius hybrids and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) sold in the U.S. have OEM, factory–installed Vehicle Proximity Notification System (VPNS) “noise makers,” and are and will be NHTSA compliant.
Just saw this post, i just posted above after test driving one over the weekend, asking if there is any way to turn it off.. It sounds horrible to me, but thats me. Since it has to be computerized i assume it can be changed.
Must hand it to make me laugh..great writing talent. The VPNS sounds only under 15MPH AND with gas engine NOT running. Was this the case when you did your "Blond Test"?
I can tell a very noticeable difference in the Prius vs Prius V on acceleration most notably. Unless something is wrong with the car I drove. It sounded like it had a much larger engine than the Prius. I don't know why, But I didn't care for the way it sounded. It was trying to emulate my 340 Dodge Demon. As I said, maybe something was wrong with that particular one.
Cactus Hybrid – Thanks for the positive strokes on my key banging. A chuckle a day keeps Chucky away…er-r-r…or is that Jack Nicholson? You were apparently so impressed with my e-ramblings that you forgot to answer my question: “Is the VPNS function activated and noticeably emitting “Proximity Notification†sounds in your new [2012 Prius v wagon, Model: V, Package: Adv. Technology] ride?†As regards the “Blond Test,†no blondes were used --- only a drop-dead gorgeous green-eyed, red head with green banker’s eyeshades --- my Bride-For-Life. She is the darling who purchased my Prius v (vee) for me as a Christmas present. What else do you get a man who has everything? Answer: A 2012 Magnetic Gray Metallic w/ Misty Prius v Station Wagon, Model: Five, w/ Advanced Technology Package. I really love that girl. She beat down a sales guy and his closer to “Parade Rest†on the Out-The-Door price. ‘Twas $2,500 below invoice along with getting Max KBB Bluebook for the mint 2007 GEN II Prius she traded in. They had to sell the “vee†to her while they still had shirts on theirs backs. QUOTE CATGIC: “…petrol warfighter in its ‘stealth,’ EV propulsion mode moving at under 15 MPH†UNQUOTE is “under 15MPH AND with gas engine NOT running.â€
Yes it does work on my V but it is high pitched and low volume. Possibly too high pitched for some to hear.
RJParker – Thanks for the high pitched and low volume descriptor. I have not heard anything yet, high, low or in between --- neither has my wife. We do not have dog-ears or a dog, so we are out of luck there. I wonder why Toyota would pick a VPNS frequency grouping range in upper part of the sound spectrum where most people tend to first begin to experience hearing loss. What is it; Toyota & NHTSA love blind people, but hate the masses of folks who are slightly hearing impaired from sources such as military airplane engine noise, loud rock and roll, and listening to Sony Walkmans and Apple ipod itunes?
Yes, I do hear the Proximity Notification Sound in my new v. I really notice it when I pull into my garage with my window open. It stops as soon as I come to a stop. Maybe you would enjoy a Sound Racer instead.. Sorry for the typo in my last post.. I meant Blind Test. However, sounds like you have a great wife also. I too got a Prius v model 5 with ATP as a gift from my wife.
Cactus Hybrid – I am a “recovering†Porsche owner-driver and career Navy flyer who spent most of my life strapped in behind or betwixt and between jet engines or a pair of three bladed propped “recips†at military power, enjoying their whining “Whispered Sweet Nothings†or singing to me in a rich staccato vibrato --- So trust me I do not need a “V8 Sound Racer†or other government-supplied “Noise Maker.†As regards “masculine sounds,†I “gave at office in The Zone†and my hearing is my receipt. Please understand that having VPNS or the sound emitted by VPNS is not an automobile option I would have ordered or necessarily would want. It is installed in the 2012 Prius v because of liberal-driven politics not safety. However, since Big Bro Gummit forced Toyota to sell it to me, and me to pay incrementally extra for it as part of the standard, “bundled†features in the “Vunderbar†2012 Prius v, I want it to function properly. Gummit says I gots ta pay for it, den Toyota gots ta make it werkum good for da Catgic.
This is my second Prius and I actually like the VPNS. I bought my first Prius in 07 and, I had more than a couple "close" calls due to the inherent stealthiness of the car. I had to be extra alert at crosswalks and parking lots. People just couldn't hear you approaching and would step right in from of you! So in this rare case, I agree with the politicians.
Cactus Hybrid – It is my second Prius too. My previous Prius was also an 2007 2G. However, I would not go so far as to say I “like” the VPNS, only that I am “comme ci, comme ça” neutral about it. Since I had to pay for the VPNS, I shall enjoy this “At Addition Hidden Cost” Government Safety Add-On. Where I live, there are a negligible number of Blind People wandering the parking lots and crossing the street. Therefore, the VPNS is of a very, very limited pedestrian safety value. Your agreement with a government imposed, mandatory VPNS-installation by Toyota (Auto Companies), rather than offering VPNS as a Safety Option, tells me your politics. I am a firm believer in and advocate of the Back-Up Video Camera as being a Safety “Must-Have” function in cars/truck with low rearward visibility. I would not purchase a Kammback’ed car (i.e. Prius, Prius v, Prius c or Prius Plug-In) without having a functioning Back-Up “Granny/Toddler” Cam installed in it. However, making a Back-Up Cam a government mandated feature goes against my politics. Like you, I am “extra alert at crosswalks and parking lots” for errant Grannies, sprinting toddlers and cell phone talking adults. I, too, have “had more than a couple 'close' calls due to the inherent stealthiness of the car.” So far no notches have been carved on my steering wheel. I believe some “smart” people do “dumb” things, and some “dumb” people do “even mo’ dumber” things. Just today, I had some person walking up towards and across the rear of my car in the grocery store parking lot --- who was still some distance away when they clearly saw my Back–Up Lights illuminate as I began rolling out of the parking spot --- but who kept walking across the rear of my car into the view of my Back-Up Camera rather than to briefly stop or to walk around my already rolling car to let me finish backing up. No VPNS Safety Device is going to protect against a person with such an “I dare you to hit me” mentality, whether they be sighted or not. The MFD Monitor view permitted me to see this “Chickie Run” yokel pop into the field of view of the “Granny Cam” so I could make an emergency “I Brake For Idiots” maneuver. In the General Maritime Rules Of The Road, the more maneuverable vessel is required to give way to the less maneuverable vessel. The Rules Of The Road in mall and grocery store parking lots; are assbackwards from these logical rules. In these parking lot environments, the 1-2 MPH± more maneuverable person with good forward visibility does not give courteous way to the 1-2 MPH± less maneuverable Car/Truck backing up with obscured rearward visibility.
I have what audiologists call moderate hearing loss, with -30dB in each ear, more pronounced in frequencies beyong 1kHz. It was worst, but surgery got it better. Still...I really hate that Despicable Electric Chair sound. It is more pronounce as it bounces from my garage walls and other objects, but still can hear it if my windows are rolled down and air conditioner is turned off. About the frequencies of that despicable sound, a spectrum analyzer app in my phone shows several frequencies, with peaks near 250, 750, 950, 2000 and 4000 Hz. I dont care for having a sound, but that? Actually, they intended a futuristic sound and instead it reminds me of the sparks of the Buck Roger's spaceship (original version, not the '80s version). Lame. :-(
Gathered Shuttle Craft Sounds Listeners – I went in and had my “silent” VPNS tended to. After an “in at 7:30am out at 9:30am, and three cups of gratis coffee in the Toyota customer waiting lounge,” the service manager reported their crack Toyo Mechanic-Technician “Turned Up The VPNS Volume To MAX.” It now emits a just barely discernable, “Pseudo-Shuttle Craft Emulation Noise” from an area that seems to be located in or around the left front fender. Therefore, I finally heard Scotty ask me, “Do you want to beam up, Captain?” --- To which I answered, “Beam me up, Scotty.” I now can “Beam Up,” but only if I operate my Vee-Mobile in the EV-Batteries Mode, and stay at a Warp Velocity, v = 15 x √3[(186000)3]/c miles per hour, and keep the “vee” between the ditches while traversing the "Worm Hole.” I guess I have Senator John Kerry, the majority of Congress, and President Obama to thank for mandating that I pay for a “Stealth Noise Maker” in my new stealth 2012 Prius v that I have trouble hearing. What wonderfulness it is that my Prius v emits a stealthy, nearly silent VPN warning “noise,” which is mostly apparently only easily audible to blind pedestrians, dogs, and “Liberal” listeners --- but not this new, 2012 “vee” owner. Honestly, I am scratching my head as to why Toyota would design and implement a nearly silent Vehicle Proximity Notification “NOISE” Warning Sound that one must strain their ears to “HEAR.” Please share any anecdotal I-She-He-They-It heard my VPNS stories that you may have about the “wonderfulness” of your VPNS.
Cheetahs (Prii) do not roar like lions (Jaguars) and tigers (Cougars). Instead, they make birdlike chirping sounds for communication with other members of the family and they hiss when angered or threatened and purr loudly when they are content. If they are alarmed they whine or growl.
RJ – Interesting point --- It gives me the warm fuzzies and makes me want to hug and pet a Puddy Tat, and purr along with it. But, of course, a Coalition of Cheetahs is not a Hive of Prius (Prii, if you must). The Cheetah is a predator carnivore, whereas, the Prius is not a petrol predator, but rather a petrol consumption “vegan.” Additionally, evolution has optimized Cheetahs such that they give no warning to their intended prey, whether the targeted prey be blind, lame or otherwise, because cheetahs like eating regularly rather than starving. That is, their Venison Procuring & Nourishment System (VPNS) warning “Noise Maker” is permanently in the MUTE Mode. One wrong, not-so-quiet step during the hunt stalking to crack a twig or roll a pebble and it is “No Eats Tonight, Puss & Boots” for that particular Coalition of Cheetahs. The bottom-line on predator carnivores is that noisy ones go hungry, silent ones do not. I love cheetahs too, but if you must post on this thread, please also show the courtesy of addressing the original Toyota VPNS point. How is the "Included At Additional Government Mandated Bundled In Cost" VPNS on your new, 2012 Prius v3 working for you? Do you have to strain your ears to hear the VPNS, as I do, or can you clearly hear its melodious warning tones? How many blind people, cell-phone-talking Delta Minuses, shopping cart pushing Grannies, toddling toddlers, and driveway sleeping dogs and cats have had their lives extended because of hearing the faint, sweet melodious warning tones of RJParker’s Prius v3 VPNS? Might Texas residing you, like the option to have “The Yellow Rose of Texas” or "Texas, Our Texas" whispered out from the VPNS speaker or other optional warning noise pollution source? P.S.: What is up with your nominally EPA MPG fuel economy of 43.7 MPG on Fuelly? I am running 125% to 130% of Official EPA MPG on my Prius v5. Quit petting those Puddy Tats, and start applying my 10 Hybrid Basics & Best Practices Tips in earnest.
I can hear it with the windows down. In a grocery parking lot, grannies and toddlers have been known to look around only to find a lurking Prii. In the Texas Hill country, Prii must run with the big cats or get run over and devoured. I drive 95% highway speeds up and down hills using at least 10% ethanol. I have read your tips and try to modulate the speeds and optimize regen but the tire pressures are factory.
RJ - Good, useable data. Driving 95% with Texas “highway speeds up and down hills†roughly translates to 75’ish plus MPH, by my reading. Your 43.7 MPG on Fuelly is 109.25% of EPA MPG “Highway†for the “vee.†This is good. FWIW FYI: Many years ago, before you even existed, when the Max Posted Legal “Open-Road†Speed Limit was a Nixonized 55 MPH (to save gas during the Arab Oil Embargo), I got tagged by one of the local “Mom (Justice Of The Peace) & Pop (Town Cop) Texas Town Speed Traps†in your “Texas (Rolling) Hill Country.†I was cresting a hill at a electronic cruise–controlled 55 MPH only to see (too late) the Posted Max Speed Limit drop to the local town’s 35 MPH just on the other side on the down slope. I hit the brakes in my big 2½-TON 1974 Thunderbird “Land Yacht†when I saw the 35 MPH sign and the town cop parked at the ready at the bottom of the hill. But alas, the Laws of Physics prevent 2½-TONs of highballing Thunderbird cruising @ 55 MPH and going down hill to be brought to 35 MPH or less fast enough. I was chased and pulled over. The local Barney Fife with a Texas accent ticketed out-of-state me, then followed me to J.P. Judge Mom “Roy Bean’s†court --- Guilty As Charged --- $$$.¢¢ paid--- and I was again on my way with a slightly lighter wallet. Yeah…I have vividly “fond†memories of Texas Hill Country. I am pleased to learn that you have put a few of my 10 Tips to practice to your MPG-FE advantage. Tharz more MPG-FE gold in dem thar Texas rolling hillz --- Consider preoperative “Up-Pressuring†your tires to MAX PSI Front/MAX PSI MINUS ONE Rear as a preoperative set up, and your 43.7 MPG will definitely increase. I have the Prius v5 w/ 17-inch, 10-spoke alloy wheels and P215/50R17 (MAX “COLD†PSI 51) tires. I am running with a 51F/50R “Up-Pressure.†Average running MPG on my “vee,†as it sits in my garage tonight, is 55.3 MPG. P.S.: As the head CAT(gic) on the road, I “stealthily†run midst and around gas guzzling “big cats†with lesser intellect running wild on the road while I “Hide In Plain Sight.†It is no Problemo for His Coolness In Chief, ,THE CATGIC.