If you got your car back in one day, I highly doubt it's hybrid battery that they replaced. Toyota just don't keep the hybrid battery laying around in the parts department.
1) The conversation was on the phone 2) I tend not to ask questions that I don't find interesting such as "how much will that cost?" (Note: If the answer is "yes" to the question I DO find interesting: "is this the only way to fix the problem?", everything else is moot)
...if our 2006 Prius HV batts ever do die (hope not) I am thinking we can save big $$$$ (four figures?) by going with 3rd party replacement battery. BTW that was a very nice price for 12v replacement, so your approach seems to working.
I DID ask how long would it take. She said I'd have it by the end of the day. I have no idea what parts they commonly keep in stock, so if she said they needed to replace the antimatter reactor, I would have told her to go ahead.
You got a new 12v battery. The lead acid thing in the boot. Not a hybrid battery. When the car is cold, the HV battery is 100% physically disconnected from the car and only the 12v is used. So if it didn't start well, then it is the 12v battery plain and simple.
I have experienced both types of battery failures in my 2006 Prius and my 12V experience was more in line with StevO's recent situation. I have also included some embarrassing anecdotes to give some additional information, and so that people will not follow my dumb actions. March 2006 - purchased my 2006 Gen II Prius August 2006 - 6,039 miles - I was in Orlando (very hot weather) and ran out of gas, I limped two miles to a gas station in EV mode (I don't advise this as it is a dumb idea!!!) (Various dates) I probably let the 12V battery die about three times. Leaving the dome light on, leaving a door open while the car was in the garage, and one time I stopped at a rest stop for a nap, I shut off the engine but I didn't realize that if you don't exit the car the headlights stay on. October 2010 - 53,914 miles - 12V battery failed. Replaced at Toyota dealer $167.97 parts, $39 labor, $10.08 tax, $217.05 total. Considering the abuse that I gave the battery I was happy that it lasted four years. I haven't let it run down since then so hopefully this one will last longer. July 2011 - 67,731 miles - Driving back from Florida on a very hot day I ran out of gas and again limped to a gas station in EV mode. (I don't advise this as it is a really, really dumb idea!!!). This time I didn't quite make it as the battery depleted and I had to walk the remaining half mile. Obviously this is not good for the hybrid battery for it to completely drain. November 2011 - 71,660 miles - The car was working absolutely fine until one morning when I got the big red triangle with exclamation point. Although the car seemed to run fine. I immediately headed for the dealer, on the way I noticed that the hybrid battery level was going down. It finally reached bottom and I had to drive the rest of the way to the dealer on ICE only, and I found out how much we rely on the hybrid battery for acceleration. ICE was fine for cruising but if I stopped at a red light it was incredibly slow trying to get going again on gas power alone. The Toyota dealer replaced the hybrid battery under warranty. They also replaced the inverter water pump as a recall item which included changing the inverter coolant. I even got two free days rental of a Camry. $0 out of pocket. The moral of the story of course is don't do what I did, even though I got a new hybrid battery very late into the warranty which hopefully will last many years, and so far I have had no other problems so I am hoping that no other harm was done to the hybrid system or electronics by my dumb action of continuing to drive after running out of gas. An argument could be make that the car should not be able to be run in EV mode if you run out of gas. However I am guessing that they allow it so that you can move your car off the road to a safe location. It is not intended to allow you to continue driving to the gas station, which may be tempting if it is just a couple of miles away however you run great risk to your car by doing so, and it is in fact a dumb idea.
LOL! So great. In an effort to squelch misguided and uniformed myths about Hybrid Traction Batteries, their cost and failure rate... The OP starts a uninformed and misguided new thread starting a whole new uniformed and misguided myth... The Myth of the $183.00 Hybrid Traction Battery. Oh well? The OP should of known better just based on the price. But I suppose no harm, no foul.
Ok so it's all been figured out back in reply #13. The OP had a misunderstanding or a miscommunication with the dealer. Time to stop beating him up over it. :deadhorse:
My knowledge of the working of cars is admittedly about equal with the knowledge the cast of Jersey Shore has of advanced astrophysics. That being said, I tend to take mechanics' (or in this case, their representatives) word as gospel; there is a well-known phrase in computer circles: "Garbage in, garbage out." This is an excellent example of that.
OK, now that everybody has figured out what's what with the batteries, I have a question about the OP still. When the 12V battery gets tired, and one starts to "have trouble starting the car" - just what does that mean in the case of the Hybrid system that doesn't start like a normal gasoline car? I mean it isn't like the engine spins over slowly and doesn't fire, right? It isn't like a starter solenoid just goes click. What are symptoms of "having trouble starting" in this case? I have had the situation where pushing the power button makes nothing happen. Is that what we're talking about?
wow so 2 times hv battery drain in EV feul out mode ( and tthat not even a drain because it stopt at a low but not to low SOC ) and it wil damage your hv battery?... thats not good.....
Pretty much, yeah. All the dashboard lights light up as normal, but instead of going away like they usually do they all stay lit but the engine doesn't turn on (can't put it in gear). The worst part is I then had to either repeatedly push the Power button or hold it in awhile (depending on the cars' mood) to turn the lights off so I could again try starting it. I've never had a problem with the battery with any other car I've had (other than needing a jump once or twice), so I can't tell you what the difference is between the symptoms.
Toyota should engineer a special backup circuit for situations like this. It would be a sound effects chip that would go "RRr, RRRrrr, RRrrr, Click, click click click" and then nothing. Tom
Or why didn't Toyota instead of a CEL just say on the MFD: Detected 12 volt battery voltage is low. Replace 12 volt battery. Of course if that happened there may have never been a Priuschat as that seems to be the bulk of questions here.
Its not that the engine turns on its the car goes into "READY". It says READY on the dashboard when a successful turn on happens. Which doesn't neccessarily mean the engine needs to turn on. When its in READY you can put it in gear and drive away even without the engine on. And if this car needs just one jump start that usually means that little 12 volt AGM is done. Its a time bomb after that as you as you & thousands of others have found out. Both you guys have close to 7500 posts each and 6 years on this site and your still scratching your heads about the 12 volt battery?
I know I don't need to hear the engine go, and I quote, "Vroom vroom" to know I'm ready to put the car into gear. However, usually the "Vroom vroom" is heard within seconds of putting the car in gear, so even if the engine isn't technically "on", it's still "on", if you know what I mean. I am not up on all this technical jargon; all I know is I push the shift-thingie, then step on the big pedal and turn the big round thing and I'm off. That much I know. I don't even carry jumper cables (something I've done with every car in the past). The battery just died of old age (or boredom. 45,000 miles in over five years can't be any fun). When I said I had batteries jumped, it was in my days of owning used cars, a long time ago. Fred's will do that to you. I never clicked on a single Battery thread before (unless it had a juicy, scandalous-sounding name) because I never had trouble with my battery. But hey, even I, when the hood is open (after I RTFM to remember how to open the hood), can tell the battery from the radiator four times out of five, so I should get credit for that!