I have a problem with my new droid phone connecting (and staying connected) to my Entune system. For some reason it connects well in the Toyotoa parking lot but will disconnect soon after I leave.
The Entune system is only as good as the cell coverage of your phone. Do you have 3g or higher coverage in your area? I have an iPhone with AT&T and if I leave 3g coverage I'm SOL.
Are you talking connection to the internet, or Bluetooth connection? Like macguyft said, if you're in an area with a weak data signal then it the internet connection can drop out.
The internet based features like Pandora keep disconnecting. I have had the Prius V for about 3 weeks and only been able to access the internet a few times. The bluetooth works well. I have a new Droid 2 phone.
Do you happen to have the program "Juice Defender" installed or something similar on your phone? Juice Defender shuts down all the radios to conserve battery. It works great! I just looked in the setting of Juice Defender and allowed entune to remain connected when the screen shuts down..Hope this helps.
I tried almost all suggestions here, but still couldn't get Internet connection. Finally called Toyota and was connected to an Entune guy. He didn't know everything, but worked with me for an hour on my iPhone 4S, my PC, and.the car. Nothing worked until we checked updates on my iPhone, which said there's an IOS 5.01 update. Downloaded the update (Settings, General, Software Update), rebooted the iPhone, reconnected the USB, and Entune internet finally works!! Success!! Good luck!
I tried almost all suggestions here, but still couldn't get Internet connection. Finally called Toyota and was connected to an Entune guy. He didn't know everything, but worked with me for an hour on my iPhone 4S, my PC, and.the car. Nothing worked until we checked updates on my iPhone, which said there's an IOS 5.01 update. Downloaded the update (Settings, General, Software Update), rebooted the iPhone, reconnected the USB, and Entune internet finally works!! Success!!
My iPhone 4S is up to date on its software, IOS 5.01 but I still cannot get internet connection! Sldm, explain how you established internet connection. I connected my iPhone 4S with aUSB cable and followed the given instructions.
You don't need to connect via USB if you have the advanced Technology Package. Step One: REBOOT your phone. I noticed most errors go way. in my observations, Iphone users rarely reboot. Step Two: Go online and create an entune account. Go to the Features page and enter/create accounts with Pandora, Movietickets, and Opentable if desired. Next, go to app store or market and download the free entune app. Make sure you sign in to your account within app. This app has to be running in order to connect to your car! Step Three: Go to your car and pair your phone to your car via bluetooth. Entune app uses bluetooth to connect to your phone. after a successful pairing, open your Entune app on your phone and go to menu-options and click on connect. Your car app will need to do an update/transfer and then it should connect. Step Four: Open the Entune app from your car and click on Pandora for a test. If you have created an account correctly with Pandora, pick a station or create one and enjoy. With Pandora, I am wondering if I should keep XM radio after the trial period...hmmm another topic. If Entune keeps disconnection, make sure you have the latest firmware for your phones. Also if you have any kind of a Battery Saver type app that shuts off your bluetooth radio, disable it. Hope this helps...good luck
I gave Entune the ol' college try, but after one day of failure, I gave up, realizing too that I already have all the information I need with Nav and an iPhone. Now, I just enjoy the ride without worrying about navigating through one more system with my blind old eyes.
With the standard system, you do for now. You have the ATP which is different and works over BT. But, dhandds, try rebooting your phone, then open the app and login (if needed). Once you see the main screen with the app icons, turn on your v. Then, plug in the iPhone and attempt to connect for internet. If you're paired up already, you'll be prompted by the radio to connect for internet. If not, go to the Bluetooth settings screen and select connect for internet, select your wireless provider and it should connect. Make sure you don't background the app because it won't work that way.
On droid, in the connection box, you have a separate menu that requests connection ALWAYS as I recall, trying to do this from memory.
After downloading the latest Entune software to my iPhone 4S, I now get internet connection only via USB cable. Bluetooth connection does not work for internet.
If you don't have the ATP, then it needs the USB cable for the Internet connection. At least until there's new firmware to support Bluetooth like on the ATP.
Is the new bluetooth version 1,2,3 or most current version 4 which is designed to optimise power consumption.
I have a v5 and iPhone 4. I have been trying to get iNet over bluetooth but no dice. I'll give USB a try and report back.