Bowl Championship Series Fiesta Bowl: Notre Dame v Ohio State Sugar Bowl: Georgia v West Virginia Orange Bowl: Florida State v Penn State Rose Bowl: USC v Texas Non-BCS Schedule New Orleans Bowl: Arkansas State v Southern Miss GMAC Bowl: UTEP v Toledo Las Vegas Bowl: California v BYU Poinsettia Bowl: Colorado State v Navy Fort Worth Bowl: Kansas v Houston Hawaii Bowl: Nevada v UCF Motor City Bowl: Memphis v Akron Champs Sports Bowl: Clemson v Colorado Insight Bowl: Arizona State v Rutgers MPC Computers Bowl: Boise State v Boston College Alamo Bowl: Michigan v Nebraska Emerald Bowl: Georgia Tech v Utah Holiday Bowl: Oregon v Oklahoma Music City Bowl: Minnesota v Virginia Sun Bowl: UCLA v Northwestern Independence Bowl: South Carolina v Missouri Peach Bowl: Miami (FL) v LSU Meineke Car Care Bowl: South Florida v NC State Liberty Bowl: Tulsa v Fresno State Houston Bowl: TCU v Iowa State Cotton Bowl: Alabama v Texas Tech Outback Bowl: Iowa v Florida Gator Bowl: Louisville v Virginia Tech Capital Bowl: Wisconsin v Auburn
Cripes, outside of the Rose, Orange and Fiesta Bowls, what an amazing Sea of Mediocrity! Penn State SHOULD kick FSU's butt. The rest are "brainers".
I'd rather see USC vs Indianapolis Colts...... It will be interesting to see if Texas can match up their "D" against USC, but I just think USC has gotten better and better and will destroy anything they come up against at this point. I think LSU's a gimme against Miami of Florida and Michigan's a no-brainer over Nebraska (who's been pretty bad all season IMO). And, as a salute to Danny, I think SC should tear up my home state of Missouri without too much trouble.
I have to agree with Michigan not having much of a problem with Nebraska. LSU as a gimme over Miami is another really depends upon which Miami team shows up. If Miami sends the team that played GT or UNC out there, forget it. If, OTOH, they send the one that demolished VT, LSU's going to have a problem. Also, I'll take UCLA over Northwestern just about any day of the week.
the bowl championship matchups are a bunch of crap. ohio state and notre dame both have 2 losses and shouldnt even be there, but because they have a large national following and will increase tv ratings, they are selected. they sure werent selected because they were the best@@ Oregon's only loss was to USC...but their national following isnt attractive enough to the bowl committees so out they go
Couldn't agree more, Dave; Ducks got raped. Only one loss and that one loss being to USC? Sheesh! They really did deserve a BCS berth.
Great match-ups though Oregon did get screwed, partially because the PAC-10 is not respected on the national scene this year. FSU had a bad streak, but you bet they'll be up for they're match-up. Holiday will b a good game, Cotton too. PEach will be, well, peachy...... efusco, you're a little bit confusco... name one team in the PAC-10 with a D with a sh#$. The Horns won't shut them down, but it'll be the best D they've seen in while with a D coordinator who also hasn't lost in over 2 years (Auburn and Texas). Did you see what Texas did on Saturday? on par with USC for sure (Yes the Buffs blow, but UCLA was 4 wins in the last minutes from being medicore) They match up so well and are both complete teams, O,D, Special Teams, Coaching, Fan support, we are in for a real treat. I have faith in Vince and a better D despite a very slight edge to USC in offense and a tosser on special teams which is kudos in SC as Texas leads or is in the top 3 in most categories there. Hook'em Horns!!!
christmas eve, Seahawks... the best of the NFC against Indianapolis the best of the AFC... super bowl preview maybe??
I'd have been disappointed in a response any less than that from a guy with a screen name 'bigtex'!! But I did say it's going to be an interesting match-up and I would not walk away 'shocked' by a Texas victory. But face it, the USC offense is potent and fast. Texas will need a start-to-finish perfect defensive performance and even then expect to get scored on--thus needing to play decent offense too. I'll be watching the game....if for no other reason than to root against the burnt orange!
Yea yea....we've been having a bad....decade. I think (hope) Houston Nutt's days are numbered at UA. He's a hellofa nice guy, and probably an OK football coach. But I just don't believe he posesses the tools to get Arkansas where they need to be on the national scene again. I want a ball breaker back in that head coaches job. And I wouldn't mind if Frank Broyles went away with Houston while we're on the subject. :angry:
The Horns have a higher scoring offense than SC or anyone else, they also don't throw deep up 50 in the 4th like Lienart did yesterday. (3 passes 30+ rushes in 2nd half). SC will score, but it is they're defense that'll have to ratchet it up. Lendale white doesn'e scare me, nor does leinart, they'll get some, but we'll hold them respectable, it's Bush speed to the corner. While SC has one of the best O-lines, most experts have UT's as tops in college ball, I think ball control and TOP wins the game, It all about keeping it out of Bush/Vince's hands!!! Being from Missouri, EDIT---- Soeeee, now I see!!!!! A running QB, not that is the one thing we have had a hard time stopping this year and SC ain't got one. (Thank God!!)
ya the bears are doing well... but talk about coming out of nowhere... rich is the man that predicted the bears to win the division before the season started
Now, if they could only put together an offense, they'd really have something. :lol: I mean, I think they're scoring an average of around 16 points per game.
that much??...hmmm... OH YA@!!... they have Detroit in their division...yep that would boost the stats and to think the Lions used to be my team. graduated from HS in MI. but when i think back on it, they sucked back then too. other than Barry Sanders, they havent had anything to cheer about in years
As a UCLA alumnus and fan, I know how you feel. I am still hoping against hope that Terry Donahue or Dick Vermeil will return some day.
Yep! If not for that Detroit game earlier in the season, they'd barely be averaging 14! :lol: I'm smelling the return of the Grossman.
Mike Holmgren must say his prayers or donate to the Sisters of Mercy or sumpin'. If ever the Hawks are to grab the ring, it better be now. Unfortunately, I think the only reason they look mediocre + is that the Eagles collapsed and the rest of the league is just awful. I hope da Bears get their chance for Rags to Riches by playing the Hawks for the NFC title. The whole NFL would be a bore this year without Indy and the Bungles, IMHO.