I'm starting to use the Hybrid System Indictor gauge a lot more recently. I think it is going to help a lot in saving more gas. The big help seems to be keeping the bar out of the Power zone when accelerating. Very useful gage. 55.9 MPG on cons gage is looking good too (had some long trips recently and 60F weather). Which gauge do you like the best?
Re: Hybrid System Indicator guage - should prove very useful in saving gas When I first bought the car, the energy monitor was just cool. However I quickly found that watching the system indicator bar is much more informative. I watch it constantly...probably more than I should (ie eyes on the road) and I agree, it can help you with your mileage as it quick tells you when you are using too much throttle.
Re: Hybrid System Indicator guage - should prove very useful in saving gas What's cool is I can keep it out of the PWR zone and get enough acceleration to keep those behind me happy. Well, most of the time.
Re: Hybrid System Indicator guage - should prove very useful in saving gas Yep, I use the HSI as well. It makes me realize how much I don't like hills...lol.
Re: Hybrid System Indicator guage - should prove very useful in saving gas I'm another who watches how much time I spend in the PWR zone. Significant grades do kill the gas mileage - I still haven't decided if letting the car slow a fair amount going uphill (keeping the car only slightly into the PWR zone) and then accelerating downhill (car not in the PWR zone, but about 3/4 of the way there, to try to regain speed) is better than trying to keep the car's speed up going uphill (and going further into the PWR zone than you would if you weren't trying to maintain speed) and coasting/gliding (or close to it) downhill. At the moment I'm leaning toward the latter, but the weather has been downright hot recently and that's probably having a bigger influence on my gas mileage.
Re: Hybrid System Indicator guage - should prove very useful in saving gas Hi all I use to keep HSI in my HUD, with speed indicator, so I don't keep eyes off the road. I use to keep the cosumtion diagram on the main display, it force me to do better and better every 5 mins...
Re: Hybrid System Indicator guage - should prove very useful in saving gas I usually keep the monitor in the HSI mode, but if there's someone else in the car, I switch it over to the energy monitor so they can watch what's going on with the drivetrain.
Re: Hybrid System Indicator guage - should prove very useful in saving gas Snort! I would be rear ended if I didn't go into the red, not to mention the lights here stay green for about three seconds!