Slot Under Left (Driver's) Vent So what is the credit card sized slot located under the Vee's LEFT AC vent?
I'm not looking at a picture of one right now but I thought there was a pop out cup holder under the front right vent.
I wish I knew. I put a quarter in it thinking the quarter was thick enough to just sit there. It slid through and hasn't been heard from since.
it is just as you described it - a card holder - I suppose for those who park in garages on a regular basis. I keep forgetting it is there!
Its an ingenious idea for military members since we are constantly have to show I.D.'s to get on base.
I did the same thing Danny, just assumed it was for coins and dropped a couple quarters in...when I realized it wasn't, it was oh no, I'll be listening to those quarters rattling around in the vent ducting forever, thankfully they didn't dissapear and I was able to fish um out with a double stick tape wrapped paper clip...felt like a real dummy after that move. I now use a case from an old pair of sunglasses.
This is beginning to sound like the classic "The cupholder on my computer broke..." In the owner's manual, they call it a card holder, as people noted here. I use it for the parking ticket holder too, although be careful with that, since it is highly visible and can be 'taken' along with the car.