Hey there everyone. I had my windows tinted about 2 years ago. I got 18% put all around, except for the windshield. The problem, I believe, is that the windshield is so large that it lets a lot of light in - making the tint look lighter. I think if you were to put 18% all around on another vehicle with a smaller windshield, it would look much darker. I would have chosen a darker percentage when I first got my windows done, but my tinter carried 18% as the darkest. Anyways - you get the point, I want my windows darker. Now I've thought of several ways to achieve this. Let me know what you think I should do, if anything. Windshield visor/brow to go across the top of my windshield - maybe that would help a little. Put a lighter percentage (maybe 30~ something) over my existing tint. Remove existing tint, and get a darker film. So, any suggestions based on what I typed above? If not, it's all good - but I just wanted some insight. I understand dark windows are a risk, but I'm young and have 20/20 vision. Sure, that's no excuse to have your car murdered out - but it's what I like on my vehicle. Opinions and suggestions are appreciated! Thanks.
I'd say this. Anything else may or may not work and you won't be happy unless it's done right. Seems like wasting money but you'll really be upset if the the other two options don't work...
I'd go with this. Or leave it and try and be happy knowing whatever money you'd sink into doing it over could be spent on whatever vehicle comes after your 2010 Prius (hopefully another Prius lol).
get a totally new prius and tint that with a darker film. totally worth it - from personal experience.
Your state wants 32% of the visible light to go through the sides and rear window's, but the tint cannot be more then 20% reflective, if you have a medical exemption different rules apply. So you would want to remove the present film and then apply a new series of films, The windshield can get tinted on the top 6" with a non reflective tint. You may of course use a darker tint but you'd be in violation, I'd hunt up a good shop and go discuss the options.
Oh my, darker than 18% on the front windows? I hope you realize that's very dangerous. Other drivers won't be able to see you, if they can't already. Sure you have 20/20 vision, but not everybody else does. It's not even about vision, actually, it's just common courtesy and common sense. I'd go Limo tint on the back windows and leave 18% on the front.
Think very hard before you decide to risk almost running over another person like this member with his 5% limo tint. He admitted he almost ran over a person due to difficulty seeing out before he edited that info out of one of his posts. Maybe you desire some quality time with Bubba like he does?
Some accidents are caused by misjudging a driver's intention, whether or not you're able to see the person. Drive long enough and you'll come to realize that some of the maneuvers (such as crossing in front of a car) are possible only if you're able to see the driver's face and read their intention.
I had a very, very strong feeling that this thread would turn into comments such as "are you an idiot?", "You'll kill someone", etc... I do appreciate the recommendations, and if I do take a course of action it will be stripping off this tint and finding some darker film. I should probably delete this thread, because it's just going to go on and on and on with people arguing back and forth about what is safe and what isn't. I'm a responsible person, and if I had a problem seeing out of the car you could bet I would strip the tint off. Thanks guys. Lets not turn this into a nasty thread.
This is particularly important where bicyclists and motor vehicles mingle at intersections. Sometimes when both driver(s) and I stop at intersections, drivers will wave me through ahead of them. Sometimes, I signal back that it is their turn to go first. Sometimes, their attention is directed elsewhere and because they show no awareness of my presence, I must wait. But an increasing number of drivers have blacked out windows that make it impossible to tell the difference. So we both wait ... and wait ... and wait ...
This is very very true. It's very annoying even when I decide to go biking and I approach a tinted car. However, I'm aware of my tint and therefore I roll my window down enough so I can signal them through. Sure, others don't do that I'm sure, but I do. You make a very good point, by the way.