Hi guys, I had decided to replace my cd player with a different one as I need to use bluetooth and aux. I started the installation yesterday and I had the wire diagram as well. (Attached pdf here) Then, the trouble started ... First, the cables I have don't match exactly with the diagram (colorwise). As you can see from the photo below. After testing the voltage using a voltmeter, I found 3 hot wires red: ACC 12V gray: 4.45V light pink(white): 4.45V brown: Ground None of the wires is hot when the ignition is off. So, I can't find the battery wire? Any help with that? Also I found that the Light-Orange is the one for the dash clock (if i touch it to the red(acc) one the clock comes on). Other than that I can't find what cable does what. Am I missing something? Please check both the diagram and the wire harness picture and help me if you can. Thanks the ACC cable (red), but I can't find the one that goes to the battery (live 12V). When I
There should be more than 1 cable that plugs into the radio. If I remember right, there is three. If you look at the cables, (the other two that plug into the radio) you should see a blue/yellow wire that is always hot.
FYI, I finally ended up taking the car to a professional shop. I wish I had done this before as it ended up costing way more (both in cash/time spent troubleshooting) - Also my dashboard cover is now in 1K pieces and I'll need to replace it soon. :-(