we purchased our 2010 Red (not sure of the color names yet) Prius. It has 38.2k miles on it. we have wanted one for years and finally had the opportunity to purchase a "new to us" vehicle. it was not our first choice, but it was the right choice. we did not do a lot of research before buying so i have had a wonderful time learning all of the cool things that can be done. i am still enamored with the fact i do not need to use the key fob to get in and out of the car or to start it. there are a few questions: how do i know what model i have? i have not found a clear answer or any definite clues that will tell me. do i have satellite radio? i read in the manual that the antenna will receive XM, but when i push the AM/SAT button, it only shows AM. If i do not have SAT, is it hard to hook up a XM receiver to the factory antenna? i am cheap, XM is sending me a free receiver and i would rather use it than pay circa $300 for the kit to make the radio work. well, this seems to be an active community and i look forward to learning and contributing. Dylan Perez
Welcome aboard Dylan! That would be Barcelona Red. I have a II so can't answer the XM questions. Enjoy the ride!
I have XM in my 2011 and before that always had a remote portable unit hooked up in my previous cars. The built in factory XM is a gazillion times better than the portable units. They all sucked, had wires everywhere, and lost reception quite often. I'm sure your dealer can tell you if you have XM built in. Do you see the SAT button beneath you radio?