Hello everyone, I'm new to PriusChat and love my Pria, but I'm becoming somewhat concerned about how safe the car is in a crash. I've seen several postings here, the latest being Godiva's, that have been in accidents and the cars look trashed after a 10 or 15 mile hit. I wonder what one would look like if it got hit on the interstate at 75mph. Do we die with the car or survive? My other car is a 1994 325ic BMW. I've seen photos of the same model after being hit at a high speed and it looked amazingly still together. Are we all traveling in a death trap or what? Has anyone been smacked at high speed? Can you shed any light on this rather grim subject?
You could start by reading the following thread: http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=13177&hl=crash FWIW, I've owned my 04 Prius for over a year and a half and can honestly say I feel as safe driving it as I have felt driving any other car (including a couple of monster SUVs I've owned).
might want to check out this thread i posted last summer http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=9248&hl=crash couple things to add. i posted the thread after the initial news reports. despite the severity of the crash. none of the Prius occupants had any injuries requiring hospitalization. they were taken to the hospital more as a precaution then anything. the tv showed the Prius on the frivers front and it was trashed. a few days later they had an update on the crash and showed the same Prius from the rear passengers side and other than some scratches on the hood, there was no damage to see including the rear hatchback glass without a single crack in it. now this was in a vehicle that rolled a reported 540º after impact
Take a look at the official site of the European New Car Assessment Programme. The Prius was rated higher than the BMW 3-Series. Toyota Prius BMW 3-Series
Here is more crash info. A search of this site will show more on this topic. I'll bet your Old Beamer don't have side air bags. http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=12621&hl=
Thank you all for the additional links and info!! I like driving my Pria so much more than her older sibling- I'm glad to know she is fairly safe or as safe as a car her size can be. I guess I just got freaky after seeing the damage done in low level crashes.
MyPria please note that the Prius does better than a 2005 BMW 3 series! Your old 94 model wouldn't even come close in any respect here!
According to the tests, the Prius and BMW are dead even for passenger protection. The Prius has an edge in pedestrian safety.
That is true for the 2005 model of the BMW 3-Series. However, the Prius is clearly superior to both the 2000/2001 BMW 3-series and the 1997 BMW 3-series in the Adult Occupant Rating category. Neither of those models were rated for child protection. MyPria, the originator of this topic drives a 1994 BMW.
There was a post a year and half ago, mid summer 04, about a 04 Prius T boned by a 18 wheeler carrying a over size piece of earth moving equipment at 60 mph. As near as I could tell the tires on the earth mover were bigger that a Prius. 5 occupants all under 15 including the driver who "borrowed" the car from his family. Beer was involved. The children pulled out in front of the poor smuck that was driving the 18 wheeler. 3 died, not using seat belts. The two using seat belts survived. I can not think of a more extreme condition and the fact that even 2 survived is incredible. The poor Prius was U shaped. This is a car that will give it's all for you. Bottom line use your seat belts. Stands off soap box. It is hard to see 3 children dead it is our job as adults to protect them and we can't always.
i remember that accident. the 3 in the Prius that died were all ejected from the vehicle. the two that did use their seat belts, one had pelvis injuries and broken hip, the other had some minor broken bones but came out of it in miraculous shape. the rescue workers were stunned to find any survivors at all. PS... no one in the Prius was a licensed driver
I'm not worried. As the other posts have linked to some of the crashes and tests, I feel very safe in my Prius. The car does what it is supposed to do...it sacrifices itself to save it's passengers. I've never had side airbags and I do now. While the car may sustain body damage, if it was so stiff and tough that it didn't...I'd get thrown around inside like Humpty Dumpty. I'd rather the impact was dissipated by the car crumpling than my head crumpling.
here are some pictures (were photocopied) of a prius here in hawaii front and rear ended. i was impressed by how well the rear held-up to the impact... prius crash pix the owner, being so impressed by how safe it was, went straight to the dealership to order a new one, lucked out on one right then and there since someone backed out of an '05.
eak354 Posted Today, 12:25 AM Â here are some pictures (were photocopied) of a prius here in hawaii front and rear ended. i was impressed by how well the rear held-up to the impact... Ouch! The back end looked like my driftwood, except the hatchback was pushed over the top (high bumper F350 truck). That was about 50 mph (punted like a football) and as said before, Really happy with the design keeping my family safe. Nice links put up here,I am going to try to put up some crash video from a site in japan in real player format on a new thread. edit: link to thread; http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=13281&hl=
ALL cars will look REALLY thrashed if you hit something or are hit by something at 75 mph. The frontal crash pictures from the European test listed earlier are from a 40 mph offset crash. The frontal crash pictures and video (click on Watch crash ratee) from http://www.safercar.gov/NCAP/Cars/3268.html are from a 35 mph crash.