75 deg on January 1st, just terrible! I expect this in So Cal, but not Norcal...Photo taken in Monterey CA 30 minutes from my house.
It sure was beautiful today. Curious what we'll be saying about it this Summer, if what we're seeing is the beginning of a drought.
We were happy with a balmy 45 this afternoon, which allowed us to go for a walk. (It was lovely until an oblivious driver didn't bother to avoid a large puddle and soaked my wife).
Cyberous - Monterey-Carmel-Big Sur...what is not to love (if you ignore onorous taxes)? It is certainly a beautiful oceanside spot on the planet. However, it is still "Sweater Weather Country," which makes it "Paradise with a bit of the nip in the air."
a couple years ago I rode bike on PCH from LA to SF. It was in June, but I swear I did not get as cold on high passes in Sierras and Rockies with the snow on ground.
Beautiful picture! I once took Amtrak from Fargo to L.A. The Prairie is beautiful, and the badlands, and Montana, Idaho, Washington. Then the coast was lovely, until somewhere around the middle of California, when it turned ugly as we entered what appeared to be a solid stretch of slum that lasted all the way into L.A. I grew up in Los Angeles. There were plenty of days when you could not see the hills just a mile or so away due to the smog. I could not take a deep breath without chest pain from the filth in the air. I used to make jokes that when people in L.A. wanted to have a riot, all they needed was a saw with which to saw blocks of smog out of the air to hurl through windows, the smog was so thick. I hated California with a passion and got out as soon as I could, at the age of 20. Admittedly, northern CA is a very different place. Monterey is beautiful, and S.F. has a certain charm.
Heh... I like CA, except for the crazy housing prices here. I even came back to CA from WA state. Lived up in WA state 2x, for a bit over 9 years total. Don't plan to return to WA to live unless work takes me there again. I went to UCLA and didn't feel that air was that bad there. I had fewer problems w/allergies in So Cal than Nor Cal. Yeah, of course when you drive to downtown LA, you can see the brown in the air... :/ There are parts of So Cal that look nice.
As the locals say, "never trust air you can't see". Actually, the last time I was there it seemed like the air was better than I remember from 30 years ago. The modern pollution control devices on cars seem to have really made a difference.
The air is VERY much better. We have not had a Smog Alert for years now! it was 85 at my place yesterday. Yes, California, is a horrible place, you all should stay away, or return home!!
After I moved to Massachusetts from San Diego my father used to call me during the winter months and pretend to be in pain. When I would ask him what was wrong he'd say something like, "I got a terrible sunburn driving with my top down." Bastard.
lived in San Jose/ Redwood City area in the 80's. we had random bouts of unseasonably warm weather all the time. enjoy it. it most likely is just God wishing you a Happy New Year
I have cousins in L.A. and my dad lived there. While he was alive I visited occasionally. I remember visiting my cousin while there to see my dad. I was staying in a hotel not too far from my dad. I took a taxi to visit my cousin. I went when it was not rush hour, so we were moving at good freeway speed the entire time. The ride took an hour, and we were never outside of L.A. When I lived in North Dakota I had to hitchhike once, and got dropped off at the western edge of Fargo. I walked to a friend's house: All the way across Fargo and half-way through Moorhead, MN. I could have walked from open country west of Fargo to open country east of Moorhead. Spokane is not that small, but in ten minutes of driving I can be outside of town to the north, or to the south. I don't like places where the city is so big that you can drive all day and never reach open country. But I'm glad that other folks do, so that Spokane does not grow faster than it already is. (By the time I moved to Spokane, Fargo and Moorhead had grown considerably, and many many square miles of farmland had been converted to city. Yuck!)
Well Los Angeles is over 60 Sq Miles in area. Brave of you taking a Taxi. I bet the fare was about the same cost as a two day car rental!!! From my home to LAX, cab fare is $70 bucks + People wonder why I prefer BUR (Burbank), I live 15 minutes away!
This weather is really screwing with my restoration projects! I need rain damn it! Granted up here it is a lot colder. Mornings are 30-37deg and mid-day temps are about 50-60deg. Still no rain though and that is what I need the most. For the last two years Northern Cali has been subject to delayed rains but higher total precipitation then the previous 4years (2007/2008 11.4" vs 2010-2011 at 29.6" for the Lincoln area). The rains also last well into early summer (early July) which stimulates the growth of summer annuals and supports invasive vegetation instead of native species. This is very costly to the state.
It wasn't cheap, but there was no way I was going to drive in that traffic, on unfamiliar freeways, and probably get hopelessly lost.
I rounded it off so well I forgot the 4....Duh! First goof in 2012, No wait first goof was getting out of bed today, 2nd was forgetting the 4..60 sq miles....