hey all, i am really wanting to get a prius (2nd gen is what i can afford now) and was wondering if i can get your opinions. here are 3 differet prius' locally that i was considering. Cars for Sale: 2006 Toyota Prius in Las Vegas, NV 89146: Hatchback Details - 311793491 - AutoTrader.com Cars for Sale: 2006 Toyota Prius in Las Vegas, NV 89147: Hatchback Details - 313067926 - AutoTrader.com Cars for Sale: 2007 Toyota Prius in Las Vegas, NV 89146: Hatchback Details - 313323835 - AutoTrader.com thanks for your opinions and help!
I suggest buying the newest Prius, with the lowest miles that you can afford. This allows you more time to be covered under the hybrid related components warranty.
I don't like the "cheap" one being over 100K Miles, and 25-30K miles more then the other two. If you can pay the extra $2-3K I would highly recommend it. The 2007 IMHO is the best of the lot, since it appears to have Bluetooth and Nav based on the photos. The 2007 is about $800 and 6K Miles higher then the 2006, but to me having the factory blue tooth, and the slightly newer vehicle is worth it. You could probably deal on either of these down to about the $12K range. I would of course suggest a carfax report, etc on these vin numbers, this is just from a quick read of the postings. -Harry
I was in a similar situation and got myself the 2007 as well. Like the previous poster said, later model with nav and bluetooth etc. If I were you I would choose the 2007 model.
Concur w/the 07 having Bluetooth and nav. The other two don't have it. We can tell by the buttons on the steering wheel and the # of buttons next to the left of the MFD (multifunction display aka LCD). The ones w/o nav have only two buttons and don't have buttons like info, map, voice command, answer call, hangup call buttons on the upper right side of the steering wheel. Yeah, definitely checkout the Carfax reports on these (or some other similar service). I would probably stay away from the 100K mile one unless the HV battery had failed and thus was replaced w/a new or remanufactured one. For NV, the HV battery warranty is 8 years/100K miles and Vegas being a hot climate is an understatement. It seems that the HV batteries tend to fail earlier in hotter climates, esp. w/hills.
i dont think that 07 has nav. it was stated it only had bluetooth but not nav. are u guys sure it has nav? im gonna go look at it tmrw
I have a 06 with blue tooth no nav. Canadian model if it makes a difference! I think I like the #2.Classic Silver. Hal
the guy got me the warranty, it's actually 2 year or 24,000 miles for $1440 rolled into the loan. which comes down to another $40 a month... not sure if it was worth it, but they said it covers pretty much everything.. i could cancel it whenever and they would deduct it from the total price... but my monthly payment would stay the same...? (just pay the car off faster). let me know if you think it's worth it with these cars... so far the car seems to drive fine but i am learning every little thing about this ride (which seem to have a lot of technical gadgetry)! anyway, very happy and proud to drive the prius!! so far, it says my first 5 miles of driving is 26 mpg (i hope thats just because it's the first 5 miles of driving?!) oh and it seems like the smart key doesn't work (doesn't unlock or lock with the buttons). is this a battery issue or an entire key issue. THE DEALER here was absolutely horrible. the guys working in there are total jackasses and have terrible attitude customer service...
I wouldn't get the warranty.. search this site for more information regarding warranty prices, etc. Personally, the 1,440 should just go into a fund to replace things when they start to fail.. in about 200,000 miles Could need a battery in the key fob.. can search on the website to replace it.
It will still have some warranty. I never got the extended with my 06. I gambled and have won so far! Hal
I wouldn't have got the warranty but I do the majority of my own service work. Toyota and the Prius more specifically seem be more reliable than the average car. The fact that somebody would sell you a warranty for X amount of money covering X amount of time tells you that statistically they believe they will spend less money repairing your car in that time frame than your paying for the warranty. If it didn't work that way they wouldn't make any money on extended warranties. Like a previous poster said sounds like your fob needs a battery.
thanks again guys i got the warranty financed in for $1440 and hope i don't have to use it ($100 deductable). i was contemplating it but i guess it's added security for not too much more. yup as for the smart key. i replaced the battery and sure enough worked. i actually pressed the KEY BUTTON (under the steering wheel also). the cigarette lighter doesn't work but found out it was just a blown fuse (under the steering wheel also) easily replaced/fixed. other than that, i did a really quick 50 mile drive.. and by the end of it, it said i had an average of about 47.7 MPG. i filled it up (took 1.4 gallons) meaning i only got about 34 MPG??? maybe i have to drive it more, or it was a little off? either way, i love this car and am so happy i got it and i'll be reading up on how to drive it to get the best MPG etc
You're filling up with WAY too short/small a fill up. There's already a huge amount of variance due to the variable capacity fuel bladder and "guess gauge". You don't actually know how full you got the tank either. The Gas Gauge Says Full, But That's Not Quite True : NPR might prove insightful, even though it's a Ford engineer speaking. You really need to run the tank down much lower (down to 3 pips or less) and average out your manual calculations vs. your MFD readings. At each fill up, write down your values then reset the trip odometers and MFD. You will find that due to the bladder, sometimes your MFD readings will be higher than your manual calculations and vice versa. If you average them out in a spreadsheet, over time, you'll find the values are very close (within 1 mpg or so, for me). If you get down to 1 pip, get gas real soon. If you're down to a flashing pip, drop everything, get gas NOW. Don't make the mistake of thinking... "oh... MFD says 45 mpg, so 45 x 11.9 = means I can got 535.5 miles." If you do that, you will run out of gas. We used to see it all the time here. Prius doesn't go very far on electric only and thus is a bad idea. BTW, you should update your profile from "Other Non-Hybrid".
How does the original Toyota warranty work for used cars? I recently got my 2009, with 35K miles. If there is warranty work to be done, do they just look at the odometer, i.e. the warranty is transferable to 2nd owners?