Just download Tapatalk from the marketplace, it's what I (and I've seen others using) use when using my HTC Evo (Android) on the go. Tapatalk Forum App - Empowering Forum Junkies on-the-go
I don't want to have to pay for an app, :evil:, but it seems like it might be more difficult to use than the bimmer app...which I think is easy to use.
So, what's the advantage over just going to the web site? Does tapatalk bypass all the busy stuff and ads that slow down a web page? The only time I use my iPod Touch to access a chat board is when I'm traveling, and then I'm likely to be using a lodge's slow satellite internet WiFi. At such places, Prius Chat is so slow it drives me nuts, so I don't even bother. If there was a way to load the posts without any of the site graphics or features, just straight text (plus, optionally, pictures in posts) it would probably be worthwhile.
Have no intention of paying for an app, stopped accessing priuschat on my phone because every time I open any priuschat page I get a taptalk pop up, every time, one step forward two steps back in my opinion. How long until you figure out how to charge everyone to access priuschat from any device?
The version of tapatalk that I'm using didn't cost anything. And the advantage? I can easily pop into the forum anytime I'm out and about with time to kill. And the app formats the threads more neatly than trying ti use a phone based browser.
There's a free version. When you say 'you' you don't mean me I hope. What do you think, I make money off charging people to access priuschat from mobile devices?!
Nothing is free. Tapatalk cost someone lots of hours to develop. They provide the software to forum owners for free. In return, they market a free version and a paid version of the app to board readers. Forum owners also have the option of paying big bucks for a custom branded version. They then market it themselves on the app stores. The only way to recoup the investment is to charge for the app or put advertisements on the app and hope people click them. The pop up thing is unusual. I use a competitive app on my forum and once you dismiss the notification, the stored cookie is supposed to keep it from appearing on your device again. I'm surprised tapatalk doesn't work the same way. Another option for people is to use Safari or whatever the local browser is on your mobile device, but select the mobile style from the dropdown box in the lower left. It should also load a lot faster.
can not find the free version! is there also a alternative? i see free versions of forum apps like forum runner free. using tapata;l i get the message that "the wbsite blocked tapatalk contact the website admin "message
My mistake- I could have sworn they had a free version like Forumrunner when I installed one for my forum a year ago. Maybe I was mistaken or perhaps they got rid of the free client. Sorry!