Korean CNG Bus Explosion Caught On Camera The I think the content should be self evident. Story contains a video. Pretty scary if you ask me.
Looks like the NG did not ignite. If there had been a fireball, it would have been much worse! The weakest link in a chain is the one that lets go at the worst possible moment!
Looks pretty impressive. More impressive that more people were not injured or killed. Shows that safety standards do work in general.
Definitely something to consider if you are thinking of converting to CNG. Here in Sydney, we recently had a bus strike due to a fire on a CNG powered bus. The following link has a fairly low quality video of the fire when the tank ruptured - Sydney
i never liked tanks under pressure same or even more with hydrogen cars boms on wheels and with falling economy also more trouble
Yeah. I will take my chances with my Li-Ion pack anyday over CNG. Being qualified in high pressure gasses for aviation, and know the standards we must go through (checking hydrostatic test dates on pressure vessels, checking connections before EVERY operation) I will pass on putting one in my car.
Wow I was going to say 2 possibilities fire or detonation, I did not anticipate the no-ignition scenario. Probably the near-by cars stalled-out due to lack of air, lack of air probably also snuffed out ignition sources, then the nat gas rose up (lighter than air). The worst case scenario is detonation, which occurs when a mixture of nat gas and air is ignited. That usually will not happen in an open space, but if this happened in a enclosed space such as garage or something, that's the bigger risk. Ultimately the biggest issue with nat gas is flammability. This may be hard to understand for some, but I feel nat gas earth-friendliness means it should be used anyways, but there needs to be more careful risk assessment and engineering design.