sure... couple blankets or an air mattress should do it. few other people might be nice to have along
The hardest part for me was getting the Prius in the bedroom. Once I got that part licked, it was just Barry White on the 6-disk CD player and the map display for mood lighting (and to watch the Earth move)... Oh to be young and agile again. jrohland
i've been waiting since Sept. for my Prius and this has to be the best topic so far. haha Maybe take sleeping bags with you with the rear seats down. Facing each other on your side probably be the best way.
Just not enough room to do it right, I did experience oral sex in mine , but even at that I had to pull over and lay the seat down so my lady could do a good job, I think its just a car thats meant to drive to save gas not for much else, but I like mine just wish it did a little beter on gas, in the past few weeks since thwe wrather is colder the mileage is worse..
You omit to say whether you are male or female. It would also help if you gave your age. And whether you and the other participants are ectomorphic, endomorphic or mesomorphic. Your weights could also be relevant, especially if any participant is over 100kgs.
Depends, are on a wim or are you prepared? If you are unprepared, your best bet would be to remove the front headrests, slide the seats forward, and recline the backs all the way flat. That's probably the most you can achieve. However, if you brought an air mattress or sleeping bags, you could continue by folding the rear seats down and laying everything flat out from there. If the weather is nice, you could open the hatch and try the "wheelbarrow" position. Anyone else have ideas? I don't get much sex in the car these days, unless my wife and I go down to the car in the garage while the baby is sleeping upstairs in the crib! ;-) Nate
I've dual headrest DVDs. I think I could slip in a little porn-flick and it would be sort of like making out in the backseat at the drive-in (at least I remember drive-ins. Don't have but one in Atlanta anymore). Used to be lots of cars rockin on Saturday night double features, including my Honda Civic.