OUCH! My poor baby.

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Godiva, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. Signboy

    Signboy New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Butwhite, New Jersey


    I am sorry. Were any of these instances what we are talking about.
    Govida doesn't realize that all her posts will be used in court against her.

    What happened here was none of your instances above.

    Thank you. I have to leave for a three-week cruise soon so if anyone has questions for me please let me know.

    Thank you.
  2. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    It’s too bad we don’t have some of the road signs they have in Europe. No doubt who has priority at this intersection.

    [Broken External Image]:http://home.att.net/~texhwyman/g_imgs/z1002_12r.gif

    No need to guess if "THEY" have a stop, yield, or no sign. It says who has priority!
  3. koa

    koa Active Member

    Aug 9, 2005
    2006 Prius

    Read your own post where you said ALL rear end collisions in Florida are the fault of the driver in the back. Doesn't this imply you think Godiva is wrong, based on that assumption? My point is there are extenuating circumstances which you choose to ignore. I do have some experience since I've been sued for rear-ending someone and went through a jury trial.

    I agree with you that Godiva should not be posting details of the accident anywhere.

    Are you going out of Port Canaveral? I grew up in Melbourne. Don't eat too much!
  4. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    Does everyone know about the Ignore user feature on this board? You click on a poster's name, Signboy for example, and you'll see his mostly empty profile. Right there in the Profile Options box next to his name is Ignore user. Click it and confirm and presto, no more annoying posts from a rude boy.

    P.S. Signboy, this works on Bill Merchant too. Happy motoring.
  5. craigcush

    craigcush Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sedona, Az
    >>Thank you. I have to leave for a three-week cruise soon so if anyone has questions for me please let me know.<<

    Why are you here?

    Most of your posts aggravate everyone else, the opposite intention of this forum's purpose.
    Perhaps you could change your name here and start over.

    just saw your other forum post,,, you are trolling.
  6. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    This is one of the many things that's wrong with the world today.

    You could have conceivably been out 75K for that. Heck, maybe it was close given attorney fees.

    Roughly the same thing happend to my mom, accident "victim" claimed all sorts of BS.

    Being somewhat Machiavellian, I hate theorize this, but it's probably cheaper to take an assault and battery charge, and threaten further violence should the person persist with their efforts. Yes, I'm aware of just how "wrong" this might be, but paying out $75K for something like that, in my opinion, if FAR more criminal.
  7. parrot_lady

    parrot_lady Member

    Aug 17, 2005
    Chicago Burbs
    my opinion...

    Had this been me, I'm cautious--

    you rear ended him. In drivers ed (many years ago) I had the best teacher out there, he taught us that left turners yied to EVERYTHING including dead worms on the sidewalk. If he was going to turn, and I was at the intersection first I would have gone with my hand on the horn (chicago thing I guess) and let him rear end me.

    I was also taught to treat those yeild signs in unfamiliar places as stop signs, that T intersection would be a place for a stop sign, IMO.

    I'd say he is guilty of not yeilding, and slamming on his brakes. I've had people do that to me, and I wasn't even tailgating, they were just looking to get hit.
  8. koa

    koa Active Member

    Aug 9, 2005
    2006 Prius
    My insurance company decided to fight it out in court to expose the doctors and physical therapist who help make these lawsuits possible. I was well covered insurance-wise (which probably got their attorney in the feeding frenzy to begin with) so I wasn't too worried.

    The jury found her 80% at fault in causing the accident. For her to recover any damages the jury needed to find I was 100% the cause of the accident. At the very beginning, before it got out of hand, my insurance company offered a little less than $5000. to settle. She ended up with less than that to sign off on further litigation, which was basically so her attorney got a little something to walk away.
  9. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Wow... Nice to see THE SYSTEM working, but I would imagine it was nothing less than an aggravation.

    In my mom's case, the Ins. Co. kept demanding proof of injuries, which were never provided. Obviously, it's in the ins. co.'s best interest to not simply "pay up".

    Good to hear you came out of it ok.

    Maybe I'll take the brass knuckles out of the glove compartment now... :lol:
  10. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The Three Second Rule. Live by it.

    I always use the three second rule (leave three seconds between you and the car in front).

    I was enlightened to its benefits back in the mid ‘80s during morning rush hour traffic on I-80 heading into the San Francisco Bay Area.

    The “fast†lane was moving a little faster than the other lanes, but not fast enough for the tailgater behind me. He really felt the need to occupy the three-second space in front of me. After a few minutes he made some abrupt lane change and zoomed around me . . . complete with middle finger wave.

    Not more than a minute or two later, the car in front of him slams on the brakes to avoid a very serious accident. The jerk driver rear ended the car with enough force to require tow trucks and an ambulance for the other driver.

    I still had my three seconds and missed hitting him by about two feet. The lady behind me tapped my bumper hard, but with no damage. She later explained that the jerk driver in front of me had also tailgated and flipped her off. A third person had stopped and said the same thing.

    When the Highway Patrol arrived, the three of us recounted the same story to the CHP. The jerk was given a reckless driving citation. The jerk was so livid, he was almost arrested on the spot - he actually threatened us in front of a cop! I hope the guy he hit sued him till it hurt.

    There were also a couple of other accidents behind us.

    Yep, Three Seconds saved my nice person.
  11. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    ...a further amplification of the 2 or 3 second rule is something us sportbikers use:

    The cushion concept. Basically, what the name implies, an imaginary circle of space around your vehicle such that you have some room to maneuver in any direction in the event of some unexpected situation.

  12. parrot_lady

    parrot_lady Member

    Aug 17, 2005
    Chicago Burbs

    oh I've never been in an accident caused by me... I've only been hit once and had to have knee surgery as a result of the accident. After months of things not going right.. and PT and everything else possible to NOT have surgery.

    My dad on the other hand was not so lucky. He had the fortune enough to have someone back into him! Luckily he saw it coming and had the balls enough to take pictures of it. I mean you can see the lady's taillights sequentially coming toward him, and hitting him, and he got out even to take picture of her frothing at the mouth at him as he stood there to snap pics of her plate before she drove away.

    Its kinda funny/odd to walk into the police station and have them take the story while the pictures are dl'ed from the camera to a laptop for the very first time. ><

    Snarly woman got what was coming to her though.
  13. DocVijay

    DocVijay Active Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Tampa, FL
    In Florida this accident would have been the fault of Godiva. Similar situation happened to a friend where the person stopped for no apparent reason, and she hit him. She got a ticket. When she asked the cop why, he responded that the person in front stopped, if you were paying attention and following at an appropriate distance that would not have happened.

    I'm glad no one was injured. While I feel bad that a Prius is now so badly damaged, and I never like to hear anyone getting in an accident, Godiva gets no sympathy from me. She was simply following too closely. THe horn honking is besides the point. It doesn't matter why he stopped. If there had been a bunny in the road and someone slams on the brakes unexpectedly, you should still be able to avoid hitting the person. If not, you were either not paying attention or following too closely.

    Driving is a dangerous activity. There are many, many reckless and plain old bad drivers out there. You must be prepared 100% of the time. To me it sounds like she simply was too close to the guy. Had she been far enough away, she would ahve had time to stop.

    Let me ask this, how many of you actually follow thwe recommended 1 car length for each 10 mph of speed when driving on the interstate? Probably very few. Even I don't most of the time, and I've become a really careful (to the point of near paranoid) ever since having children. However, the fact is that if you rear end someone and you weren't traveling at a far enough distance, it's your fault.

    Of course there are exceptions, there are always exceptions. If someone's car breaks down or runs out of gas and you end up hitting the car, or someone with no lights at night, or the other example named are all very different situations from the one here. Each one would be investigaed to see if anyone was at fault. A police officer doesn't have to write you a ticket right away. If it's an unusal situation, often they will investigae, interview witnesses, etc, and then issue a citation afterwards. Did the person really ahve no lights, or is the person just saying that to transfer blame? Fortunately there are tests to check that (they look at the fragments of the bulbs filaments; cold filaments fractures are much different from hot filament fractures). There are many ways to determine fault, and it's usually very easy.

    Then again, if this situation had been an H2 rear ending someone in the same situation, thenI'm sure there would have been many posts about how he was a jerk and deserved it...
  14. prius_pride

    prius_pride New Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    I'm new here so I have no alliances yet, but in most states unless the situation is unusually freaky, it's usually the fault of the person in the rear for not allowing for emergencies... sorry!

    LA FREEWAY New Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Hello Godiva,

    Sorry about your car.

    In the State of California, if you hit the rear of any vehicle it's your fault! It's state law. But at times it may not be your fault because of insurance fraud.

    Many people in the Los Angeles Megapolis swoop in front of you, cut into your lane and slam on their brakes on purpose.

    Godiva, just too let you know, some people slam on their brakes just to piss you off after you flip them the bird because they don't mind having you slam into their jalopy car which is worth much less than your Prius.

    I belive you should know this because their are plenty of Angelenos living in the San Diego County.
  16. aka007ii

    aka007ii New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
    Santa Clarita, CA
    Second that and would like to add: It's a good rule of thumb to never try to stop or point out to someone on the road that they are not following the law. If you see someone running a stop sign or red light, let them be. They are on a mission and you may actualy do more harm than good to obstruct them. Remember, you don't know if they are on something or not even licensed to drive.

    I've often wanted to stop drunk drivers. That's bad because they just want to get home and will only stop for the flashing lights and siren (if that). I did stop one guy but only after he crashed all by himself. I had to hold him out of his car until the cops showed up. He wanted to get back in and keep going. Man that was a cold night and he smelled like JD.
  17. hilore

    hilore New Member

    Jul 22, 2005
    Palm Springs, CA

    Sorry to hear about the accident. I am glad you
    were not injured. Hopefully you'll have your Prius

    Who should I write to if I see stupid intersection sign?

    Not you Signboy!

  18. BT Tech

    BT Tech New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    South Florida
    2005 Prius
    Hello Mary.. When I first read your post I had that sinking feeling inside and I really feel for you.

    Obviously the MOST important thing is that no one was seriously injured in this accident.

    Sheet metal can always be replaced and painted to look like new and any damaged parts replaced. In the end your Prius will be just as it was and all of this will be a distant memory.

    Hang in there!!!

    BT Tech
  19. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    Care to cite the Vehicle Code section or a court ruling that supports your claim?
  20. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    Whoo-hoo...sic 'em Isr :lol: I'll love to see his reply to that!

    Now in Ohio, it is a Prima Facie issue...but it can be defeated.