I'll bet lunch Toyota has a new ad agency. They're doing a few new and different things at once, starting with new billboards reported about a month ago.
I think they're still with Saatchi & Saatchi. They seem to come up with a bunch of pretty good stuff; the Prius Super Bowl ad, for example.
Broken down Toyota? I have seen many, mostly older ones. My co-worker's new (6-month old) LS430 got him stranded once. He is so PSS-off by his Lexus. He thought he was buying a bullet-proof(reliability-wise) Lexus...
Older ones, sure. New ones, occasionally. But rich people are just generally stupid. Wave a high price in front of them, and they think it's 'bulletproof'! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now, I won't say "Rich people are generally stupid" (you did). But, the #1 reason that rich people buy Lexus over BMW/MB is reliability. BTW, my co-worker got his Ph.D in engineering. I won't call him stupid if I were you...
I have a cousin who has a PHD -- she works in a shoe store, and knows nothing about the real world, much less technology... All it means is they had money, and were focused on a single discipline more than the rest of us. Not a great measure, unfortunately. I have a lowly bachelor's, but it's in technology, so I'm wired a little different in this particular case. :mellow: Now, that's not to say I'd like to go up against her in her field, but neither cars nor technology are her field...
http://www.richardrosenman.com/toyota_cell_splitting.htm I can't upload the video so here's the site above. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Movie" to see the Matrix "Cell Splitting" ad
Not a commercial, but could be used as one. This is why if you are thinking about buying a truck it should be a Toyota. Use the link and click on the Toyota Hilux in the middle. http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/downloads/
I know, I know. I was saying I have the Bugger ad. No relation to the link well, other than the fact the truck used was a hilux and a diesel.