I would share it but my wife refuses to drive it she prefers her Tacoma. In almost a year and 18,xxx miles she has driven around 3 miles in the Prius. Oh well better luck next year, I hope she will drive it once a week at least my employer is sending me to Europe for a year to work.
I always commute in my car, my wife in hers; but when we travel, we drive my car, with a change of driver at each stop. So she drives about 10% of the miles, all on trips. November was Huntsville, October was Minneapolis, January will be Mobile to New Orleans
My GF drives mine whenever her mothers car breaks down. She lends her mom her Toyota Corolla, I lend her my Prius, and I drive one of the others. I swear that suburban piece of crap is in the shop at least twice a month for something. Last time it was $3k worth of failed gaskets deep inside the engine. Less than 100k on it too...
It's all mine. I let one of my adult sons drive it once when we ran out for pizza. He made me drive back. I don't think he wanted to be seen driving it.
I am the principle driver. My wife drives it occassionally. She likes to drive it but calls it my spaceship. Says there is too much information for her.
For my gen II, both my wife and I share the car, but now she is considering that it is now her car. For my gen III, at present I am the only one driving it, as I am the only one in the family who is authorised to drive a taxi. I am planning, in about 6 months, to put on a night driver, once I am comfortable with how the car is performing in the role.
All mine, except when changing drivers on trips. She dislikes anything without a manual transmission (my dislike of automatics applies only to standard slushboxes, not hybrid CVTs). And she complained about it being gutless until I started turning off ECO for her turn. But she does prefer it for our non-winter road trips due to its economy, and audio jack for her portable music player.
Well, of course you are, you have a Prius. Sorry, couldn't resist. Short answer to OP's question: 1 and a bit. Longer answer: - It's my primary commuter but my wife now ends up driving it 2 days per week, when she's driving many more miles than I am. - It's the family car (#1) and we share driving although typically my wife drives all short errands. - Very occasionally my wife's son will drive it, although he usually drives his old car (#3) or borrows car #2.
Gen III. 2 people. My daughter is learning to drive in this car. She loves it. Fortunately she will be away at University next year and I'll have it all to my self.
Mine 90% of the time and my wife drives the other 10%. Usually when I'm home and she needs to run a few errands. My youngest has sorta commandeered her Acura and she's often left without a vehicle.