While I applaud folks publishing articles on this topic, it sure is frustrating to see so much misinformation that will certainly create more fear and confusion than it will be helpful. I posted extensive comments, but they're "being moderated", so who knows if they'll show up as I was pretty critical. Things To Check When Buying A Used Toyota Prius
good and bad, i like the 'reputable' toyota dealer. after 12 years of toyota ownership, i'm still trying to figure out what that means.
Almost 6 hours later and my comment still isn't posted...hmmmm. I agree, there is some good general information, and some that's a bit more specific to Prius, but still frustrating that they don't do their homework before posting something like this.
I don't think a reputable dealer would charge $10,000 to install a new transmission. $5000 tops. Inverter failure is not usually caused by lack of maintenance either. There are a host of other issues not covered as well. Seems like this is just a SEO blog-type post to generate traffic.
Unbelieveable. I posted a comment and ripped the author. He is obviously misinformed or uninformed. I guarantee you he doesn't or never has owned or quite possibly never driven a Prius. What a clown!!!!!!!
It's been almost 24 hours and my comment still hasn't been posted--don't hold your breath expecting yours to be. It really is a shame, we need good articles like this as there's still a lot of misinformed anxiety about used hybrids and putting out something truely informative and factual would be a good thing, but making stuff up or repeating some rumor he heard and claiming it as fact just muddies the waters even more.
Yep, looks like there's no way to get comments posted, but you can click the "is this article relevant" button and give the author frowny faces.
toyota should create a white paper. it would ease any buyers fears and improve the preowned market. i suppose there would be liability for them?
Toyota would rather sell new cars. If the truth got out that the Prius was very reliable, not too hard to work on, and cheap to fix, then they would be in trouble!
That was spam, I reported it, and it was removed. I suggest that if a group member sees spam, that you report it using the little red flag in the left corner. Should you feel the need to reply, pls do not quote the spam.