I saw no less than three on my morning commute!!! I tailgated a Tideland 04 while getting on the 405 in Long Beach (while driving my 5 day old Tideland 04 ). Then we both passed an pioneer prius on the 22 eastbound. And, finally at work, I parked next to a white 04 at UCI medical Center. Slowly but steadily the world will come around. -Jody Rawles, Long Beach, CA
UCI - my undergrad alma mater! 8) I saw one older model (blue) getting off of the 66 going into Georgetown with personal VA plates (the energy conservation plate). While I was stopped at the light to make a left onto K Street, I saw a Tideland new model go whizzing across K Street towards downtown D.C. - the beige one. Is that the TIdeland Pearl? There are a lot of 'em in D.C.
Tideland is green. Driftwood is tan. If you saw the green one, you might have seen me! I was downtown yesterday