I connected my OBDLink SX today, and saw that there are three ECU addresses that OBDWiz can talk to. Can anyone tell me what these three addresses are pointing to? I selected the first (lowest) address and things were working (RPM, temp, etc.) but didn't try the others. thanks...
I used the OBDWiz software briefly when I first got my OBDLink. Soon after that I switched over to my own program PriiDash(TM). All I can say is experiment with the various options and see what comes out. It won't hurt anything. Good luck!
The answer is that address 07E8 is the main ECU which the program connects to by default. None of the other addresses have any info to monitor.
Nevermind: just found the sticky on canview updates, that might answer my questions, I'll read through it. Hi guys (and girls), I just had the Prius for 14 days and hooked up my OBD reader yesterday (well, got it to work yesterday, new 64 bit laptop doesn't seem to like my old programs, so had to pull the old company lappie out of the mothballs). I too got the question if I wanted to connect to ECU 1 or ECU 4 (only 2 choices). Unfortunately, while saving the screenshot the computer crashed, so cannot say what addresses they referred to. Is there any (Toyota specific?) free-to-use software, preferably 64bit compatible, that works well? Or WM6.5 compatible? (Trying to get my phone to work with the ELM327 based OBD reader). Sorry for being a noob, have read a lot on here already, but there's too much info to cover in two weeks...
Just wanted to add another voice in here. I got the ElmScan 5 Compact for Christmas. It seems pretty neat, but I only drove around the block with it on, so I don't have much to go on yet. As for the ECU connection, I had 3 choices and was stumped too, until I looked at which one had the most files(?) on the right. One (the correct one) has more than double the others. I guessed that one, and it worked great. Interesting program.