ev mode modification ($70)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by suprat04r, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. suprat04r

    suprat04r Junior Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    las vegas
    2007 Prius
    Prius electric mode - Prius EVMODE - Toyota Prius Electric Only Mode Kit

    how many of you guys have this mod done? how effective/safe is it? doesn't the factory toyota keep it in EV (no gas engine) mode as long as it doens't go over 33 mph anyway?

    and in reality, how much MPG does it help? before and after?

    this just differs from the plug in electric mode because you can drive less distance and slower?

    thanks for any and all help :)
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
  3. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    +1 on what Evan says. The EV mode switch can help get very modest
    FE gains… but the slightest misuse is a MPG killer.

    I installed one ~3 years ago when there was hot and heavy debate
    about its usefulness in getting better MPGs. I couldn't get a sense of
    the issues involved, so I jumped right in. :p

    Forget using it for extended EV. Every bit of energy you draw from the
    HV battery to drive in EV has to be put back with multiple conversion

    IMHO, its best use is to surpress the ICE coming online. Anytime the
    ICE is turning over and you aren't moving is a complete waste of gas.
    At this time of year, when warmup time is lengthen due the cold air
    temps, the non-EV switch can be useful.

    First off, after an overnight cold soak at 30 degF, you can't access the
    EV mode because the HV battery is too cold and sluggish in both
    providing and accepting power. The HSD uses repeated small charges
    and discharges to warm the battery. As part of this strategy the HSD
    tries to keep SOC up around 65% as opposed to 60% when the
    weather is warm.

    Whether or not the HSD will allow EV use, when ICE coolant temps are
    below ~110 degF, the ICE runs all the time whether you are moving or
    at a stop. The HSD is warming up the ICE and cat-converter to
    minimize pollution, actually the primary reason for the whole
    Prius-HSD-hybrid concept.

    Between ~110 degF and ~145 degF the ICE will shut off at stops if the
    heater is off and you push very firmly on the brake pedal. (Sometimes
    in this coolant temp range you have to pump the brake pedal very
    firmly twice to get ICE OFF.) But, it will come back on randomly. Here,
    finally, is where the non-EV switch is useful. By going into EV when the
    car is at a stop, ICE ON is surpressed.

    But, here too is where you can screw it all up. You must switch out of
    EV mode, using either the switch or a quick jab at the accelerator/go-
    pedal. If it's a long light, its too easy to forget you're in EV mode and
    draw heavily on the HV battery as you accelerate away... all the little
    gains are lost.

    Above ~145 degF the HSD tends to not run the ICE when the car is
    stopped. Once coolant temps are above ~145 degF you can usually get
    through a short stop without using the non-EV switch. But beware. If
    for whatever reasons, long glides, long stops, extremely cold temps the
    coolant temps fall to 145 degF, the ICE will come on to keep the
    coolant temps up.

    There you have it. I doubt that in the past three years I've recovered
    the initial expense... but I'm working on it every cold day. :rockon:
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    i've had one for 7 years, havn't used it in 6.
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