I took my 2008 Prius in for a routine oil change today. Everything went as planned, the shop where I had brought it took care of things and backed the vehicle out no problem. When I went to go home, about 30seconds into driving the warning lights all lit up and the car seemed to lose all power. I ended up with the accelerator pedal pressed to the floor but at a dead stop. Obviously I went back into the shop and they are looking into it. So far though they have been unable to identify what went wrong. Has anyone heard of something like this happening or have any idea whats going on?
If they only did an oil change on it, could it be that they used the wrong oil number or drowned the engine?
Yes, we have, and if the problem is not lack of fuel it can be ugly... Always, always, always: check the oil level yourself before driving away from every oil change, no matter who changes it. You can find some gruesome errors that way before they become expensive, and at the very least if there is a problem afterwards it lets you rule out a common set of causes. Let us know what trouble codes a Toyota dealer finds.
sounds like a very simple problem, probably knocked a wire loose or something. i'm sure they'll figure it out.
Well, it turned out to be something simple, although some what out of the blue. During the routine oil change they checked the air filter and somehow a small paint chip got on the sensor and caused the system to kind of go into shut down mode. As soon as it was cleaned off, everything went back to normal. At least that is the explanation that was given to me.
It wasnt Toyota although I know they called the dealership at a point to check out the error's they were getting.
I might have been a "fluke" event or they might have been a bit careless in leaving the intake uncovered for an unnecessary amount of time in a not too clean environment.
Yesterday I took my perfectly running 2009 Toyota Prius with 105K miles in for a very basic oil change. The lady assisting also removed the air filter to show me its condition and then put it back. Once done I pulled out of the garage and on to the road. I would say within 15 seconds all the dash lights went on and the accelerator stopped working completely and I had to coast off the road to a safe location. Oil change people came out but had no clue what would have caused the car to do this nor a clue how to fix it. I ended up having it towed to my NORMAL oil change/mechanic where it sits now to be seen later. Will reference this original post as the situation sounds identical. GLAD I found these posts!