I am getting ready to purchase the prius v II tomorrow. I don't think it has Sirius/XM. I have a lifetime scubscription for Sirius. WHere is the best place to put a radio in the Prius and where can I buy the mounts?
This is a little complicated. Even though Sirius and XM have merged, they are not fully integrated. If you have an XM radio things work a little differently than if you have a Sirius radio. The Prius v most certainly does have SiriusXM but note that it is an XM radio not a Sirius unit. I have been a Sirius subscriber for many years. I had expected that I could simply switch to the built-in sat radio in my Prius v but it was not that simple. I had to call up SiriusXM and cancel my old Sirius subscription and switch to an XM subscription. Most of the channel line up is about the same. In my case, I had to switch packages because the default pack on XM does not include Howard Stern (an acquired taste I admit but if you live in the NY area, you get used to him ). Th package for XM that includes Howard Stern is a bit more expensive than on Sirius. Hope this helps.
I also have a lifeftime subscription to Sirius. I was told that, for a small fee, I could transfer my subscription from my "lifetime" unit to another unit. I have not done this, but it should be possible. (I asked when I was concerned about the longevity of the hardware I had bought. Nothing lasts forever!) Maybe you could transfer the subscription to the built-in unit in your car?
Check this out SIRIUS Satellite Radio Interface Adapter for Toyota, Lexus, Scion | TOY-SC1 | SIR-TOY1 | SIRIUSConnect Factory Radio Tuner It's converter that receives Sirius then plays it through your XM radio, display and all. I have no experience with it.
I am a huge Howard fan and that was the reason I got Sirius. I ended up installing my Sirius unit in the car and am using the Aux cable. It works fine. I purhcased a hardwire unit so I did not have to use the cigarrette lighter. Looks nice and works perfectly. Thanks for the help