What a sorry lot of SOB's! I can not imagine living in hell. They sadly do it every day. This is just wrong on so many levels and ways!!!
^ Hell March is a famous number by Frank Klepacki from Command and Conquer, then Red Alert 2 and Red Alert 3 Music of the Command & Conquer series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hell March is viral on various bad a$$ marches like the May Day parades, various marches by rogue states, etc
The most absurd form of worship is a song dedicated to Kim Jong-il: No Mother Land Without You. Until I heard it, I was imagining a number like Love me Tender, Nobody Does it Better, Maybe I'm Amazed, etc. Anyway, here it is Now that you heard the song....they can't live without him - now that's he's gone, are they going to surrender or commit mass suicide?
reactions from North Koreans and South Koreans North Koreans' reaction to Kim Jong-il's death - no comment vs. Chin2 FULL LENGTH version "Jung Hwa Ban Jum" Two Korean Boys by VJ eat me i'm a cookie | YouTube Doubler | Mashup Helper
Check Out These Twisted North Korean Propaganda Posters Creepy Pictures From The Hidden 5th Floor Of A North Korean Hotel
North Korea reportedly punishing insincere mourners - Yahoo! News Can't have those insincere mourners...
^^ This should answer the questions some readers had about whether the earlier mourning pictures were sincere or staged. The reality is that vigorous public mourning displays are absolutely essential not only for political and social advancement in that country, but also for one's very survival.
Totally random: I was surprised to learn about a casino in a special economic zone inside NK: http://www.emperor.com.hk/page.php?p_id=238. I learned of it from Former Nevada tourism official reflects on his stint at N. Korea casino - Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun.
Well, they do have a critical need to earn some foreign currency. That is also why DPRK had a bunch of medical personnel stationed in Libya, per-revolution, despite a serious need for their services back home. I've wondered whether those folks will ever be allowed to return home, now that they've been seriously infected by outside influences.
I wonder how much of the North Korean population actually see their "fearless leader". The entire series of Kim Jong etc. looks like overweight beach balls in a nation of severe food shortages. However, with little likelihood of seeing a TV and only seeing doctored posters or doctored statues, he may be presented as a slim individual. Anyone have more knowledge?
We have seen plenty of the same images shown to the natives, and he is not slimmed. Note also that 'slim is beautiful' is a fairly recent arrival to our culture. I strongly doubt it is or soon will be part of North Korean culture. A few generations ago here, and even now in parts of the world where many people cannot get enough to eat, chubbiness signifies health and wealth and beauty. Only recently has our overall culture become wealthy enough that even most 'poor' people can be fat, and that we have had opportunity to learn the health consequences of being chubby. The Campbell Soup icons were once very chubby children. But no more. Even the Betty Crocker image has been slimmed. And beauty standards tend to highlight that which is difficult to obtain or maintain. For us, fat is easy but slim is difficult. Likewise, paleness was once a sign of beauty when many people worked outdoors in the sun, and only the wealthy and leisure classes could stay indoors. Tan didn't become beautiful until most people began working indoors, and few had time and opportunity to bask in the beach sun. Few North Koreans are in a situation to share our Western fondness for slimness. For them, it is an unhealthy curse.