What is the make and model of Kim Jong Il's hearse, does anybody know? Looks very American to me. http://montreal.ctv.ca/servlet/an/l...kim_funeral_111228/20111228/?hub=MontrealHome
I think it looks too much like a real ~1975 Lincoln to be old Russian. The Russian stuff always looked like a poor copy.
And yes it does look a lot like a 75 Lincoln... So I may not be right... I was just thinking I remember seeing a bunch of Zils and they look like that...
Actually, as soon as I saw the funeral I noticed that there were several Lincolns in the funeral procession. I guess fine American automobiles make good vehicles for carrying away dead dictators.
Yep, Lincoln sedan from the mid/late 1970's. Should have gone with the Bill Blass edition—blue and white, and very nautical!
He is to North Koreans as John F Kennedy is to Americans. I'm 100% certain that when JFK was assassinated there are other countries cheering just as we're cheering for Kim's death.
I'm still dealing with how the current Pope—of Germanic decent—commissioned a Mercedes-Benz Popemobile when he took office (or ascended, or whatever it is that Popes do). And now this guy, in a Lincoln?
Yeah, a bunch of news sources have been reporting that the hearse was a 1976 Lincoln. Kim Jong-il How Kim Jong-il's final ride came to be in a Lincoln