I have an '07 Gen II Prius. I like it, but I need more. Like more space for me (tall with long legs), nav system, and official towing capability. Is the seating in the P v significantly better than the Gen II? How is the nav system? Worth it? Does Toyota rate the P v for any towing?
Seating is significantly better in the v mod. 3. The manually adjustable up or down of the drivers seat is very comfy. IMO the nav in the mod. 3 is not as good as my Garmin nuvi. the mod. 5 v has a different nav then the 3, so i can not comment on the 5 's nav. Toyota does not recommend any towing with the v.
Seating is significantly better. I am 6'5" with long legs and I am very happy with the seat position. I like the nav system. I only know how to use it with voice commands. Is it worth it? No, we wanted heated seats and pleather, didn't care about the nav. A windshield mount is much cheaper. You can tow with a Prius, just keep it under 1200 lbs and you would be fine. With towing you have to think about the worst conditions a Prius would see without towing. For example, loaded with 900 lbs in the mountains. Compare that to towing 1200 lbs over small hills and you would be within the designed limits.
The Hybrid Highlander is rated to tow a 3500 lbs. trailer.. http://www.toyota.com/highlander/specs.html