I assume many chatters on here have been asked countless times by friends family and strangers the question. Why did you buy a Prius and many times with sarcasm. My answer for a long time was an even longer explanation of how many of the systems worked and technology. Now i ask questions back. Do you own any of the following? A laptop, digital camera, mp3 player,Ipod, Ipad or smart phone? Well this is all of the above, my smart car. This has been the show stopper. No dumb answers or questions follow like before, just silence and a facial expression or two like they have indigestion.
I have never received a negative comment about the Prius. I have never been asked sarcastically why I bought it. In the early days I was asked a lot of honest questions about the car: how it works, mpg, acceleration & top speed, price, features. A few people asked if it had to be plugged in because they didn't know. I was often asked how I liked it. I answered all questions honestly and straightforwardly. The mpg figure always impressed people. Everyone I spoke with thought it was great. I know of two people who bought Priuses after asking me about mine, though I do not know if they were influenced by my answers, or if they had already decided.
This may be the Chicago mindset at play here with the people and their views of the Prius. Usually very bluecollar and stubborn.
On TiVocommunity, ages ago, one guy got so tired about answering "What is TiVo?" that he now just tells them his seven syllable answer: keegan.org/tivo.
No, you're thinking Devo. TiVoPony has explained the origins of the name TiVo many times. Here's what appears to be a good one that I dug up: what does tivo stand for? - TiVo Community Archive2.
I've received very few questions about the wisdom of rolling around in a Prius, and almost zero negative comments. Usually.....I just say "thirty bucks...six hundred miles." Next....
It's a regional thing people here still cruising around in their duce and a quarter, olds ninety eight and sedan de ville. Ask 100 people what they know about tesla and most say oh yea is saw them, good band . Other areas in the country might say oh Nikola tesla the inventer and scientest or i wish i could afford or drive one.