Really? The most I've seen is no charge for manual or automatic. (so in other words, the price of an automatic is already built into the MSRP). As long as people are still willing to pay for an automatic, it will still be an extra cost option for the convenience of holding your phone, the latte and reading a book at the same time. In all honestly, a manual is probably second nature once you've driven it frequently enough.
wooww awww yeaaa, are you usually that rude to peoples faces? or is it because you're behind a computer screen and slamming away on your keyboard that you feel like a big man & can be a b*tch? you're cool, my friend Anyway, i took delivery of the car last thurs, i personally love it, although by saying that, this thread will be another 25 pages of sh*t talkers, who probably wouldn't have the confidence to say such rude things to me in person. Oddly people on Fiat Forum seem a LOT nicer Merry Christmas
Personally, I would just ignore the nay sayers - you chose something that you like, and good luck with your choice. I am one of those older drivers who no longer worry about what other people think of my choices. You obviously are wise enough to consider fuel costs against looks, otherwise you would be going to some muscle car image, so we should not be rubbishing your decision. Good luck with your "new" car. I have only encountered one rubbishing of the Prius in 4.5 years of driving one, and that was more of a joke rubbish from a friend. I may get more now I am running one as a taxi, but so far, most people have been more complimentary on the car than degrading. But, as I indicated above, I am of a different generation to the OP and thus encounter different views. And a Merry Christmas to you
You're lucky older generations are nicer! Having a Prius in highschool is not a cool thing What area of Sydney are you taxing in? i'm starting to see a few in the inner west/City , but none in The Hills where i live :/ & Thanks, i dont really care that the Fiat may not be reliable, my parents have one and have had zero trouble, i have family friends with post 2006 era Alfas (159 and the last of the 147s) and others with a diesel Punto - none of them seem to have troubles. I'm not worried at all - life is waaay too short to worry about that & i got 3 years warranty with it even if it does self destruct. I personally love the Fiat and enjoy driving it, i didnt enjoy driving the Prius, not because of it's image and what people said, but because it was simply not to my taste - i was given the Prius because my parents bought it and didnt like it either (haha).
Youth is wasted on the young Confucius say:He who pee in pond must be getting out... Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
Look out for a Manly Warringah Cab Prius - I am the only one in the fleet, and, I think, the only gen III on the road as a taxi in Sydney. Whenever I can corner my daughter on a fine day (bit hard at the present given the weather in Sydney) I will get her to take a decent shot of the cab and will update my avatar. Then you will really know what to look out for.
I would frankly discuss with you your assertion that the Fiat Punto is "sexy" at all, regardless of the sex appeal, or lack thereof, of the Prius. I didnt buy my Prius for its ability to attract the opposite sex (or same for some,) but then again, i have never purchased a car for that reason. The Punto may have a better reputation for reliability that would controvert my 35 years of familiarity with the brand, but sexy it just ain't. Now of you had gotten a 500, then you might have a leg to stand on. But that thing looks like a 96 Taurus wagon. Just my opinion, same as yours for saying it is sexy.
Okay seriously, i said a car was sexy (IMHO), and everyone CLINGGGGGGS onto that fact i said that. Who cares if i said it was sexy, i find Italian cars sexy, i'm sorry. I clearly remember when the Grande Punto was released, its styling was applauded, now seriously, can you say the same about a Prius? But you're squabbling about how a Punto isn't sexy etc with a 17 year old, do you not have better things to do? I accept that you don't like a Punto, but honestly, if you think it looks like a 96 Taurus, you need glasses. If you had just got a car that i didnt like - yet you said it was sexy, i'd congratulate you on your purchase and keep my mouth shut. I woulnd't go on about not liking it, it's called simple manners, nor would i cling to that fact you said it looked good. You're not going to get me to say 'omg you guys are right, a Prius is AMAZING and the last word in automotive style' - so why bother?
What do you expect buddy..... You're in a Prius Forum! Making any statements that diminishes our beloved Prius will bring you a world of hurt. Go to a Fiat Forum and you'll find a more sympathetic audience. Wherever you go, though, I doubt you'll find anyone who agrees that your Ford Focus station wagon is even remotely sexy ( Oops! Sorry! More bashing!). At the end of the day, it's your money and your butt that gonna warm up that front seat, so if you think it's badass, it's badass!
*yes, and i would tell it to your face if i could. trade a prius for a fiat,not too smart,did your daddy buy you the fiat? & then,you think you'r sexy because you drive a what a waste!!
Dolce_Vita, I want you to know that 99% of the PriusChat readership do not care what you drive and have not posted in this thread. Most of the remaining 1% are just glad you still have a high MPG vehicle. My only regret (and this will be my only post in this thread) is that you bad-mouthed the Prius on your way out. Seemed a bit churlish, and it probably explains the negative posts. Cheers, enjoy your new car.
I will totally concede that the Prius lacks sex appeal. After all, that was not its purpose. I challange the assertion that a Fiat Punto (for G's sake) has any sex appeal at all. The brand name does not even have a sexy cache. That is what I think is hilarious and why I keep poking fun at the OP. Just fun, mind you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but in this case, I think the OP is wrong. But in a hilarious way. Like when a nerd thinks their utility belt is sexy, or their pocket protector, or their slide rule holster, that sort of thing. btw - I am a total nerd.
why is this thread still going? Facts: 1)OP dumped his prius and bought a Fiat 2)OP is 17 yrs old-what is a KID doing with a prius in the first place??!?!?!? They aren't cool or fun....they are practical (not a word in a 17 yr old's vocabulary) 3)Just be happy most of you weren't as "dumb" as the OP is, trading a prius for a fiat
Mmcdonal, It is childish to project your opinions of what is sexy/pretty/hip/etc on to Dolce's choices. Each to their own. Argue facts, leave personal preferences alone. There, I got that off my chest ... I get annoyed by the tyranny of mob fashion rules. It is also a bit of an eye opener if you travel extensively to see lots of examples of contradictory mob rules. It made me realize they are all arbitrary and capricious. My favorite example is the sock rolled over itself on to a shoe. I was in Las Vegas years ago and it seemed to be favored by older homosexual men advertising their availability. Then I went to live in Israel, and learned that only a highly regarded unit in the Israeli military handled their socks that way. It was a sign of distinction. Now, decades later, I still fold my socks over. If people look at me a bit odd here in the US I just think to myself "don't let it bother you. It is part of my identity, not yours."
One thing that might help the Fiat, and seems to help the Fit, is the significantly shorter wheelbase. Ride suffers a bit, but handling is better IMO. I agree about the suspension mods to the Prius transforming the car, but sometimes I still felt the wheelbase was a bit too long for my preference. The Multipla? I'm trying to think, but nothing happens.
"OP, It is childish to project your opinions of what is sexy/pretty/hip/etc on to your own and other peoples' choices, as you have done here. Each to their own. Argue facts, like the merits of Fiats versus Toyotas, and leave personal preferences alone." There, I fixed that for you, SageBrush. Whew, glad to get that off my chest. btw, Did I ever mention what horrendous POS's Fiats are, based on reports in every automotive journal in the world, not to mention my own experience which goes back 35 years? I guess there was a reason they have been rejected by the US market for decades and could only get back in because they own Chrysler now... just sayin'.
Hmmm bit unfair. They're nowhere near as bad as they were back 30 years ago. They don't rot within weeks like they did and are quite reliable comparatively too. Are they up there with Toyota and Honda? No way, but they're not the unreliable rot boxes they once were. The Grand Punto is actually quite a good seller over here too, surprisingly. Would I get one though? Nah. But then I'm a slightly overweight, slightly receding bloke in his 40's and not a wee nipper in his late teens!?!
^^ #79 Sorry, no. Dolce stated his opinions, he did not ridicule yours. And while he was less than diplomatic, you are attacking him personally. This is my last post in this thread. I hope you can take a hint and do the same.