I have an 07 Prius 5 and wish I'd gotten the leather seats and was thinking about selling it/trading and getting a new Prius with leather seats. It is paid off, 46,000 miles, have had NO problems with it at all. So I looked at the prices of the new Prius and decided I don't want to make payments again, I'd rather buy new leather furniture for my living room. So, I'm going to put some leather seat covers on the seats, leather arm rests ont he doors, get a new Nav update and I have me a new car that'll go for at least 200,000 miles (150,000 than I have now) and save a bundle. I'm used to trading a car every 3-4 years but with the cost of gasoline and the uncertain economy, I'll keep my dependable 07 Prius-after all, I see a lot of 2001 Prius models running around.:cheer2:
Good choice... at 200,000 miles you will be about half way to your first brake job, maybe 4th or 5th set of tires and at the end of 2nd set of spark plugs or the begining of 3rd set. You will have installed maybe a half dozen w/w blades, polished or replaced the headlight lenses 'caused they used the wrong plastic and maybe had to repair the drivers door lock because the fob won't lock it anymore. Replaced the "Lead-Acid" Aux 12volt battery one time and had the traction battery either cleaned or some corrodided wires replaced... But, ya know, that really is a short list compared to many other cars. Oh and btw the inside "Cabin" air filter is made of plastic - not paper - meaning you can clean it in kitchen sink with soap and water, gently, air dry and reinstall - saves 30 to 40$$$. Do I love my Prius? Oh yes, everyday. Fitela
To the OP > Wise move. You could even take your 07 to a shop and have them install real leather seats for the equal (or about) 4 - 5 new car payments. The same reasons you are keeping yours, are the same reasons I am keeping my 2005 Prius. The only thing I didn't like about mine was NO BACKUP CAMERA, so I installed an aftermarket option. -now, I'm happy. My motto: " ..if you keep fixing it, it will last forever..."
I think it is a smart move. I do not know if you will make 200k with it - with the amount that you drive that means that the car would be like 17 or 18 years old. You do not list where you live, but in the NE it is rare to see cars that old - the rust gets them. Good luck - splurge on the leather and get something that you will enjoy for years to come.
I recently made the same decision with my paid off 2007, and I can tell you that you're making an excellent choice. I'm at 85K miles, and I haven't had one problem. I really wanted a new car, but I realized that I was being irrational, and it definitely feels great to now invest the car payment in myself each month. I did splurge on a few goodies: leather interior, Eibach lowering springs, gunmetal rims, Weathertech mats, and front strut brace. It's like a new car now Also, I'm sure that you will still be able to get excellent resale value from the car in 3-4 years. Sell it when gas is at 6 bucks a gallon, and people will probably be tripping over themselves to pick it up.
I agree with all of you, wise move. Not the best of times in the near future and present . Very wise indeed. Hal
How long do you think the seat covers and armrests covers- will stave off the siren call of your shallow consumer desires? Another 8 months? A year? Less? How long before that little voice in your head tells you that the styling of your vehicle is getting dated and stale? How long before some new marginal available upgrade becomes the new justification for purchase? I give you 8 to 16 months TOPS before you're sitting in a dealership business office with a pen poised in your hand. If you are use to trading in your vehicle every 3-4 years? If "keeping" a perfectly good Prius is contingent on leather seat covers and arm rest covers, coupled with the promise of purchase of new living room furniture? Then I think the purchase of a new Prius in inevitable. Before the smell of new leather fades from your living room, you will be reading brochures.
I haven't had a car payment for 10 years. But then I have no problem with fixing what I've got when it breaks down...or rolls over.
How about this? Forget the leather furniture for your living room - it's cold to sit on in the winter anyhow. Keep your Prius, but put the car payments aside anyhow. Cheat the lenders out of the interest and buy your next car for cash. Or at least you're in a better position for a down payment (ref post #7 above).
You're right, I knew a senior officer in the military who would pay his Cadillac off and then continue payments into the credit union until he had enough to pay cash for his next Cadillac, it worked for him. I believe in staying out of debt if possible.
Good call on keeping it. I plan to keep the '07 at least another 25 years. Hopefully it'll be my last car. I want to be car-free some day. Sometimes you'll see some OEM leather seat covers on Ebay or Craigslist--keep a look out.
The last time I financed a car was in 1970 on a new VW Bug. I vowed to have the money before I buy and never finance again. So far, so good...
Ha! I remember trying to finance a 1963 VW Beetle and couldn't get the financing on $1,864.00. Those were the days, Chevrolet Impala 4 dr $3,300. Amazing how expensive and yet cheap automobiles have gotten over the years. And they can't even put screws behind the bolsters and armrests that would make it easier to recover the cheap fabric.
I needed some washers and screws this morning to do the bolsters and went to Ace Hardware. They wanted 50 cents each for the washers and I said, "I'll drill a hole in a penny and use it for a washer. Well, it worked and was legal although some may not agree with my using a penny for a washer. But, the Prius is worth more money now, so far around .15 cents.