It's not me in a suit. Those are my pet penguins and they LIKE to do that to each other. They switch the roles a lot because each of them wants to be slapped.
Do not try and count the penguins. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth........there are no penguins.
I heard from a good friend who's hair dresser told her that his cousin believes that the picture in Bill's avatar isn't really him. For verification, he asked his sister's ex-boyfriend who has strong ties with Bill's neighbor's step-cousin. So it must be true.
Sorry, this isn't speculative enough to qualify as speculation. Why? Because a recent scientific study revealed that hairdressers are the #1 Mother Confessors in the U.S., often learning of impending divorces, murders, trysts and stock fraud before those acts are even carried out. Many women already have their own Priesthood.
uh oh, better set up my 'PC spirit reek-o-meter' in what little spare bench space i have left... :lol: and here's a rule 9 for you: "may not be combined with other offers. one coupon per customer. each vote cash value 1/10 cent."
Kindasorta. Go to "Members". At the bottom of the first page, where it says "Search and Filter Options" and "Names begin with", type in "a" (or any letter). Set the "results" to "50 per page". Some screen names will have no posts; don't bother clicking on them. Click on names that have made at least some posts. Their avatars will come up. Every few pages you'll see the screen names of some posters you recognize (lots of posts). Or, if you remember your PC members' names, go right to 'em, alphabetically. "Gallery"? The hard way.
Well, if I had to put up a Top Five today, it'd include maggie's, Bill's, Boxster's and possibly Kiloran's new one. I was hoping the contest would instigate a new burst of avatar creativeness, but not much is happening. I know I myself have been searching some of these online avatar collections. I found one of a squirrel beating the tar out of another squirrel with his tiny "fists" (doctored), another of a mouse bouncing up and down on a sleeping cat's tummy (also doctored), a cat seemingly leaping out from behind some bushes, landing on a toddler boy and knocking him down (obviously thrown from behind the bush, but well done), and a woman falling into a large box which is sunk in the ground. I hope others are making similar efforts. :blink:
I've learned a lot about PriusChat avatars lately. You could look at the SOS! Calendar entry of mine, or you could check out this little hack I threw together today: Red X avatars most likely lost during server crash and not restored by member. (Dialup warning, Lots of HTML and images, give it a sec to download even on a DSL)
Since the tripping and slapping penguins has been around for years I nominate my Knight Rider K.I.T.T./Christine hybrid display. I have even had 2 PMs asking how I made my car's MFD do that.
OK it is not animated but Sasha is a beautiful Newf and if any one disagrees she will lick them to death. You will die covered in Newf slime. Yes you will have a smile on your face, bet dead is dead.
Wow, bigdaddy, thanks! And thanks to all those members who don't HAVE avatars! :blink: :blink: :blink:
Thanks for the mention. I tried a number of new avatars, inspired by the contest. Here's some of my runners-up: