Alright, it's November 1st! All brands of 2006 models are out and/or being advertised to death, still nobody to my knowledge, has heard anything regarding shipping/price of the 06’s that can be confirmed. All I can find on the net is the 5 or 6 '06 Prius pics that have been drug to death. It's time for Toyota to let the ball roll! I just called a local dealer today and said I want a '06, He took my name and number and said he will call me as soon as the get the Ok to "order them". This is silly. Clear out the '05's, great, but tell us how much these things are going to cost and when they will be here. I've heard there are several thousand '06's built and ready to ship. Let's Go!! Even the dealers act clueless. Can they really still be in the dark?? My 2 cents!!
I hate that. They're doing somewhat of the same thing, oddly enough, with video games, movies, the whole "pre" concept, whether it be advertising or other is highly annoying. Now, I can see advertising ahead of time, to SOME extent, but I agree fully with your post.
The Prius and the RAV4 are the ONLY two models of Toyota that are NOT 2006 models on the web site. Seems odd.
Yeah, I gotta agree too. I'm totally pissed off with this car not being ready to launch at a more reasonable time. November in general is unaceptable for a new model year to get released especially when the changes made were minor, not like it underwent a complete facelift. Really Toyota if you read these forums, get on the ball. Keep your customers and dealerships more in the know (so when someone places an order in July for an 06' their dealership doesn't tell them by swearing up and down that it'll be in by September no problem) and understand that their is a following for this car so treat those people with respect and don't make fools of your own customers.
I called another dealer here, Hudiberg Toyota, and the saleman said he would call me back. 3 hours later he calls me and says, I checked with the new car manager and he says the 2006's will start coming in in mid November. I said great, my wife is excited about the rear camera package 5. So he says, acording to the Toyota Package Memo we have, to get the Rear Camera, you will need the package 6. :mellow: His info says the Rear Camera in 06 can be added to the navigation system. Right or wrong, I do not know? But!! he did say they are coming, and he does have info about them. So ALL DEALERS have info, they're just playin dumb to move the 05's. (My Opinion) I bet they even know pricing. I think there is more enhancements and features to the 06's and no one will buy leftover 05's when they have that choice. Any Dealers care to fess up? :huh:
I drive by Bob Bridge Toyota in Renton, WA every morning. As I am chugging my Starbucks, I always look to see if they have any new Priuses in the lot. I should be able to tell the '06's when they arrive (different grill), so I will go check the sticker when they do and report the prices in PriusChat. I am your man in the field. An embedded Prius driver, if you will. I bought my 05 Package 6 from Bob Bridge back in Sept. They are one of the few dealers that don't jack up the price. You do, however, wait, and wait, and wait.
I'll also keep you guys posted...I called TRAC (Toyota Rent a Car) here in Orlando and they booked me a Prius for this weekend. I have been wanting to do an extended test drive prior to my January purchase, so based on some of the recommendations on this site, I decided to rent. When I asked the girl which car/pkg I'd be getting, she said it was a brand new '06, not sure which package. I told her she had to be wrong, because the '06 cars aren't out yet. She said "they are for rentals"! I'm doubtful, but excited!!!! I'll let you know on Friday if it really was an '06 or not, and what I thought of it.
It's entirely possible that they may be delaying so that people get the 2006 tax credits... But, I'd still much prefer if they let us know what the hell was going on with packages and prices so we could move along in the process.
I called a dealership in North Carolina and they confirmed that they know what the prices are but are not allowed to release it until Nov. 17. But I did get out of him that it is only going up a couple hundred dollars as was expected. Not so sure about the package prices. It seems that Central Atlantic is only getting Packages #2, 6, 7, & 8 and I didn't want to go that far up for extra things that aren't that big of a deal for me. I really want a package #4, 3, or 5. So I called a NC dealer and he didn't know what packages they were to be getting but said that he would ask around and call me back if he can find out. I'll pass on what I find out. Funny how several people have posted what Central Atlantic is getting for the 06MY but no one has posted what they are getting in the Southeastern region.
...or they're delaying precisely because of the tax credit. they most likely want to clear their '05 inventory. there are buyers out there who have no idea about the '06 credit and aren't aware of the upcoming package changes/ additional new options, otherwise nobody will buy for the remainder of the year. i know i wouldnt.
I had that very thought eak354, but when I found that Toyota is still delaying the 2006 RAV4, which has no tax credit, the thought doesn't seem to hold up.
I talked to my dealer yesterday. The last ones they were allowed to order -- three weeks ago -- were 2005s. The ones they ordered would have been built about a week later -- or about two weeks ago, and won't be delivered to his dealership for another couple of weeks. So mid-November, and he'll still be accepting brand new 2005s. Ridiculous. He's expecting another "allotment" (or notice of ability to order) in about 2 weeks, and he's assuming those will be for 2006s, but doesn't know for sure. I'm #9 on the list for a 2006, and they only get 3 or 4 with each allotment, so it may be quite awhile for me.
My local dealer said that they have had some coming in like three or four at a time in their regular shipments that "slip through the cracks." But they do not sit on the lot long, if at all. I actually went so that i could investigate the waiting list so I could be ahead of the game to replace my Grand AM with a lease expiring in July. So with a 6 month waiting list, I am on schedule. But the dealer did tell me that because they have the highest sales volume in the area, they have much more buying power and have a shorter waiting list and get the ones which slip through the cracks.
jmann, first of all welcome, but always look at the date of the thread you are replying to. You just woke up a pre-announcement early-nov thread...
jmann, Give us a Break This is a world-wide site. PLEASE post your location so your messages make more sense!
According to the Toyota Webpage, all Packages above #1 will have the back-up camera. It's confusing that the dealer says that camera can be added to the navigation system, but yet Package #6 does not have navigation.
this is why it's bad to resurrect old posts. everyone thinks this preliminary info is still valid, and keeps replying to it as though it were. 'comon, guys, let this post go back to the archives. start reading more current information! BTW, since the dealer didn't have any info on an '06 yet, he was probably quoting an '05 configuration. '05 package 6's had navigation.