Thanks for your note.. not that I/we drive slow.. just don't jack rabbit off the starting line only to have to stop at the next red light.. as for aggressively... we typically drive the posted speed limit.. (no more than +5)
You should accelerate briskly anyway for efficient pulse & gliding. If you find someone on your nice person during this, you're probably not accelerating fast enough for proper P&G technique. Also, one thing that new Prius owners should keep in mind is the split window design gives the appearance of the car behind you being much closer that it actually is, when in reality they're not any closer than if you were driving a different car. Just something to keep in mind until you get used to it. The real question should be are you driving the flow of traffic, regardless of the posted speed limit. Around here, people typically drive 10-15 mph over the posted speed limit and if you try to go even 5 mph over the posted speed limit you'd get your nice person chewed. So it really depends on where you live whether the flow of traffic travels at or near the posted speed limit. On my trip to Florida last year, I remember wondering why everyone was being slow pokes until I realized they were actually driving near the posted speed limit.
When I was a teen one of my friends turned the windshield wiper's fluid dispenser upside down on his back window. So when cars got on his tail, he could give them a dose of wiper fluid. Cool as a teenager, but these days might start a road rage incident.
I'm glad you noticed. Part of the reason California drivers have had a very bad reputation in several places I've lived, is that a significant number of them either didn't notice the lower customary speeds, or refused to adjust. Those same offenders were also unable to increase their typical following distance to match local customs, instead of something resembling a prostate/pelvic exam.
Just push your "Power" mode button and punch it. The looks on these idiots faces when a Prius dusts them off the line in power mode are simply precious. Normally their bruised egos will prevent them from tailgating you at the next light as well.
Here in Australia a rather maudlin habit has developed of a) leaving crosses and flowers where there has been a fatal accident and b) of putting stickers in the rear window saying "Touched by the Road Toll". Recently while driving in Bendigo, Victoria, I was overtaken from the left (that's the passenger side for us) by a female driver in a Tarago. She cut in fornt of me so I had to brake hard, then cut accross in fornt of another car and then turned right against a red light. She had one of those stickers on her rear window. As you Americans say, go figure??
I am new to the Prius experience (Just bought a prius v last month). I have also experienced this hate. Mind you, I am not a hyper miler just a little slower than the traffic. I never felt this when I drove at the same speeds in my old Camry.
My NRA sticker seems to get the respect of the Rednecks. I am rarely tailgated by a Redneck. Usually just Soccer Moms.
It is an L for Learner plate. Anyone who hasn't passed their driving test must display a red one front and rear whilst driving. They must also be accomanied by a qualified driver. When they pass their test it is optional to display either a green L plate or P (provisional) plate. This is handy for new drivers as I'll wait a few extra seconds before blasting my horn if they hesitate at the lights But the L would make a good Loser plate in the US. Amazon are selling them for a couple £/$'s in the UK. The magnetic ones won't work on the Prius and the stick on ones are VERY sticky - you have been warned!