the cover on the lid of my console has come unglued on the passenger side. i would like to take it apart and re glue it. is there a way to separate the two halves. i tried taking the screws out and it did not work.
Not an answer, but have you considered adding the "aftermarket" prius center console "cover." Leather, very nice. A little pricey, but probably the best thing I ever did for this car in terms of upgrades -- really improves the look. And, I think, don't know, it might also solve your problem....
i have considered it, but was trying to do it on the cheap right now. but i appreciate the input. anyone else ever taken it apart.
Not much help here, and surprised no else has answered, but I DID try to take it apart a couple of years ago. When I bought the leather cover, I horribly misread the directions and thought I had to take the thing apart to put the cover on. I took out screws, etc. and never really got anywhere. And, I THINK, I came close to really messing something up, but, got lucky. Anyway, it is not easy to disassemble. And I never did figure it out. Lucky for me, I was able to put it back together. But, installing the aftermarket cover is quick and easy -- that is if you take care NOT TO "half read" the instructions while downing a glass or two (or was it three) of Pinot Noir.
I don't have access to the repair manual at this moment. However I recall that you need to remove the screws at the hinge as well, so that the top and bottom of the console lid will come apart. Then you can reglue the fabric to the cover and reassemble.
1. Remove the six screws. 2. Wiggle the lid, the idea is to separate the top from the bottom. Good luck.
i did that. maybe i will put a little more effort into it and see if it will come apart. i will let you all know if it works.
I just did this. You remove the four screws that attach the console to the hinges and then the additional two screws on the bottom. Then put it between your legs or on a table with the cloth side down and the latch facing away from you (hinge side near you). The seam between the two halves is pretty easy to identify but the two halves are snapped together fairly tightly. So carefully--but forcefully--pry the part with the upholstery outward from the central piece of plastic. Start with one corner where the latch is, then work your way down that side toward the hinge. Once you start to get them apart, it gets easier. There are six plastic clips that hold the two sides together, so what you're doing is disengaging them. Like I said, I literally just did this, so it can be done. My question, which I went to the forum for, is what kind of glue to use to reattach the fabric. Any ideas?
appreciate the reply. i was going to use a aerosol spray glue, but not a lot of it. the fabric is not very thick and i didnt want it to bleed through
Maybe the spray glue that's made specifically for headliners will work. It doesn't seem to soak through as much as general spray adhesives.
I have always had good luck with 3M Spay adhesive. I have had this can for years. It has never failed me. Watch out for overspray tho!
I am interested in replacing the arm rest material as it is stained. Any source for the fabric in grey colour?
I think mine is going to wear out pretty soon (due to the dog jumping on it ). I'm thinking about getting some soft upholsters leather and replacing the fabric with that.
Hello lilryan, I have the same problem as you had in your Prius. Were you eventually able to glue it back on? Has it stayed on? I asked the dealer if he can fix it, says its gonna be $475. I said, Wth? There is no one around where I live in NYC that does these kind of small repairs. So I am on my own. Any advice on how you resolved your problem would be very helpful. Thank you. Ruchik
for now, i used a small flathead screw driver and tucked the side that came out back up in there. it is holding pretty well. i think eventually when it falls back out, ill do the same thing but try to glue it when i shove it in there.