Driver told me my real tail lights were out, although headlights on. 06 with 68k miles. Brake lights work and so does license plate light Is a simple $5 bulb replacement for a $150 replacement (buy the entire rear lamp). I assume my platinum warranty wont cover this and is not a fuse issue (all other lights work fine). What are the chances BOTH sides dont work at the same time?
Yes, this should be a simple bulb replacement. If you find that the original bulbs are good, then look for a loose wiring harness connector. I would say the chances are low that both bulbs failed at the same time. More likely, one bulb has been out for a while but no one was kind enough to inform you of that fact. Of course if you have a loose wiring harness then that could cause both lights to go out.
I had it happen to me before on a different vehicle (Toyota Pickup). When one of the bulbs in the circuit burns out, there is now additional current available to the other bulbs in the circuit. If the bulbs are the same age and one of them burns out, then the second one is probably close behind and now has more current moving through the filament.
I have had most lights on my Prius go out, some twice, including headlights, tail lights, and turn signals. A pattern I'd noticed was that when I took it in to get one fixed, another is out the next day or soon after. When I got the turn signal fixed, the other turn signal started blinking very rapidly. Just this Monday, one tail light was out. I got it fixed, and Thursday, friends were waving me down because a head light was out--again (I'd had it fixed it within the year). I own a 2005, and all repairs were done at the Toyota dealership. It's the worst car for electrical systems since the Fords back in the 70s, and maybe the Triumph. For light problems, it beats all cars I've had.It makes me wonder about the ultimate source of the alleged accelerator problems.
Replacing lights is a snap so if I were you i'd do it myself and as a rule of thumb always replace light bulbs in "pairs". What you do to one side you do to another. It always happens the other light will go out right after. Also in order of keeping your lights lit? Buy the more expensive "long Lasting" option at your local auto store. Their filament is thicker and will last alot longer than the generic light bulbs. Hope this helps. Thanks
Pretty (alarmingly) good, I think. Even on purpose! It just happened to me. Same situation, even the helpful fellow driver flagging me down. I only had to replace one bulb, though... as soon as I did the other little bugger lit right back up. Interesting that it happened right after I washed it (I'll admit I don't wash it very often...)....
Tail lights going out is an easy fix if just replacing the light bulbs, only $4.99 for a pair and suggest replacing both if one goes. The other is not far behind. My 2005 prius has 60457 milies. All the other lights work and a friendly driver pulled up and let me know the tail lights were out. I went to an O'Reilly auto part store and they gave me the replacement bulbs. To access the bulbs remove the plastic interior cover at the back of the car. Lightly twist the gray round bulb wire harness and pull out. (I think it was clock wise). Pull the bulb out insert new bulb and replace.
This happened to me last year: I stopped at a light, the guy in line next to me rolled down his window and told me that both tail lights were out. I panicked and took my Prius II to the dealer. They looked at me like I was an idiot (true!) and replaced both bulbs. They had, apparently, both burned out at the same time. Unlikely but true
A fellow driver just told me today that both my tail lights were off. I don't know how long I have been driving around with no tail lights on. Hopefully it's just the bulbs. Mine is 2006 with about 66k miles. Edit 01/05/12: The right side tail light works fine now after I wiggled it a bit. I bought 'Sylvania Longlife 2825', 13.5V, 5W bulbs from Walmart (2 for $5) and replaced the left light. Edit 02/13/12: Right side light went out 02/01/12, replaced.
Not so fast! Had this same thing happen TWICE about six months apart! The second time, I decided to bang my fist on the rear light assembly and voila, the light came on. Did the same to the other side, voila again. The other light came on. Suggests a wiring problem and I'll bet I'm not the only one. '07 with 45k
That is so funny! Neighbor told me last night that both my right side headlight and tail lights were out, sure enough they were. After reading this I just went out and checked them; both headlights are on, but my right tail light was out. I hit it a couple of times with my fist and it went on! Have already replaced my left head light.
All these simple types of trouble with electrical circuits should *always* be approached with a digital voltmeter in hand. The cheapest $20 unit from Radio Shack is enough. I always check the bulb for continuity before replacing. Check the socket for 12V. Put one lead on the shell of the socket, the other lead clamped to the chassis, and wiggle the connections. Does the reading change? People love to keep electrical matters mysterious, but that's so not necessary with some information.
Bulbs will often work on cars if they have gone out if you bang the car by the bulb. This is because either there is a bad connection at the base of the bulb, but more often the filament in the bulb has broken leaving a tiny gap. When you bang it the filament vibrates and contacts the other end making a weld between the two pieces making it work again, but this will not be for long as the weld will soon break again.
The socket has has a label that says "lock" with an arrow. On our 2008 Prius, the socket arrow says clock-wise or lock and so counter clock-wise opens it so that it can be pulled out of the holder and a replacement bulb inserted. Take a look at the instructions on the socket.