This is my 1st post on this forum so please be kind If another thread of this topic already exists, please show me the way. Otherwise... I am all set to buy a used err... previously owned 2010 Prius (ii or iii) when a 2009 mint green beauty caught my eye. Not sure why Toyota dropped the light metallic colors but we really like the green! So what’s the plus/minus between 2nd generation (through 2009) & 3rd generation (2010 plus)? Will I really get 5-7 MPG improvement with the 2010? Handling differences? Comfort/cargo differences? Any 2010 owners wishing they had a 2009 or vice-versa? Thanks, Want-to-be-a-Prius-owners
The G3 has a bigger engine and is more efficient on the highway at high speeds. If you don't care about the difference on interior styling, and they were the same price, get the 2010. I wouldn't buy a G3 because the flying bridge design is just stupid. No you wont get 5-7mpg difference. Maybe 2-3mpg if you do mostly highway driving and actually know how to get the most out of your car. But you can get what 95%+ (pulling the figure out of nowhere number) of the G3 drivers are getting in a G2 and visa versa depending on driving skill. Make sure to compare packages too. You didn't mention what package the G2 was. If you really are just fascinated by the paint colour, then take it to an auto shop and have it painted.
The friend of mine traded in his GenII for GenIII (2007? for 2010) and he likes Gen III alot more. More room inside and better handling. Per him GenII was getting ~48MPG and GenIII gets ~53. Part of it may be that he had HIDs on GenII and it cost him 600$ + labor to replace headlight bulbs. Or maybe new vs old car placebo effect.
Funny it is the best part of G3 interior in my books. Allows to stash bunch of small items (sunglasses, CDs, valet, etc).
As you can see from the above responses, it really boils down to personal preferences. Drive them both and see what fits you. You will likely be fine with either one.
When I bought my 2009, I was really happy with it and consciously chose it over the new 2010 at the time. Then about a year later I had a brief phase where I wish I bought a 2010+. The reason why is because there are more available aftermaket parts for the 3rd gen. But eventually, that phase passed and I loved my 2009 again. Now, I don't care either way. LOL. The reason is because both cars are Priuses. Both cars are underpowered and both cars have spaceship styling. You're gonna get the same hate/love from people no matter what. They won't differentiate between them and in a couple years, neither will you.
6'2" tall, long legs here, had a 2009 for 2 1/2 years, mistake, hated about every minute driving it, driver's seat so small can barely see it, badly awkward, uncomfortable to me, base 2009 feels less sturdy than 2010. 2009 interior stylin a little weird to me, don't like the little mountain multi display in dash. 2010 floaing bridge center console fine by me, would be better if open space, but not nearly a deal breaker. 2010 has proper driver's seat with height adjuster, the seat is maybe 20% larger overall. Bigger gas engine, more rubust on highway. Not perfect, has some little quirks and some complain about rattles, but overall vastly improved to me over the 2009. And 2010 appears to get something like 5 MPG better overall. ... plus the 2009 made this weird farty sound from a coolant thermos pump (?) that I never liked. You'd hear that while taking off to drive. 2010 is quieter overall.
I dont see anyone mentioning this. i own a genIII never had a II but I know the genIII has a normal gas tank so fill ups capacity will be more consistent. the genII has a contracting/expanding bladder gas tank which can limit fill up capacity depending on the weather. correct me if im wrong here. Personally i like the looks and shape of the gen3 better including the headlights with the projectors. i feel the the g2 interior is more dated. again personal preference. About the $600 to replace a hid light bulb? that is total bs and unless something was broken someone got completely ripped off. I've changed factory hid bulbs in my Infiniti G37, my dads benz s500 and even aftermarket in my accord my dads trucks and in my prius g3. They are almost the exact same process as swapping halogen bulbs and cost between 50-150 for a pair of bulbs. I do know and this has been discussed a lot is that the g2 radio reception > the g3 radio reception. my reception has much more static that any of my previous cars including my 91 honda prelude. thats all i got off the top of my head
See and many of the posts beyond it. $600 is a ripoff for HIDs on a Gen 2. has the bulb prices for HIDs on Gen 2s.
I really like the styling of the 2010+ when lowered and with upgraded wheels. I also like the interior better than the GenII. Handling is irrelevant to me since I upgrade the suspension and wheels on either car. The advantge I see with going with the GenIII are: Easier to resell since more people like the look of the GenIII Better fuel efficiency as higher speeds. Generally speaking the GenIII gets the same mpg at 75mph that the GenII does at 65mph (approx.). No fuel tank bladder! More consistent refills but the MPG indicator on the GenIII is off by about 4%-7% whereas the GenII is only off by about 2%. So while the GenIII does get better fuel economy, it lies more so instead of a 10mpg increase you may see about 3mpg-6mpg better mpg. The GenIII is a little harder to hypermile in though. A ScangaugeII will help solve this problem.
The 2009 package 4 (?) and up had the HIDs. I got a letter from Toyota stating they would limit the replacement price to $150 per HID capsule ($150 per side) in case of failure. They also recommended to only use the lights when necessary since on/off cycles affect life. They were having problems with those. Common complaint. Also, it was difficult to replace the HIDs. Toyota method was to remove the front bumper IIRC, although it could be done another way. The procedure to change an HID was NOT included in the owner's manual. It stated to take the car to Toyota if a problem. I'm glad I don't have them, eeek. I believe some were going to Toyota and getting quoted something like $500 + a few years ago when their HID(s) took a dive.
It is simple: Toyota used D4R bulbs which was a very new tech in some 2006 and all 2007-2009 models. They got a bad batch from the manufacture and they were installed over a period of time. When these bulbs fail, you only have to replace the headlight bulb ($50-$100/pc depending on quality and source). However, the tech manual said to replace the headlight assembly in full which includes the reflector, ballast, and bulb, and hence the large repair bill. ($500 to $1000 depending on dealer) The HIDs are far superior to halogens in every way. But with quasi-new technology when compared to a standard halogen bulb, people are clueless and give in to paying stupid prices for things they don't understand.
I test drove several 2nd gens and 3rd gens recently. Here are the differences that struck me: 2nd gen: - less slopey windshield gives better view - cheaper (since older, obviously) - the light green colored one is awesome - drives rather sedately 3rd gen: - height-adjustable drivers seat is great for the tall or short - somewhat better gas mileage - more zippy - power mode should be useful when you're in a hurry - you don't even have to get the key out of your pocket! Both seem like great cars to me, I don't think you could go wrong either way.
The above is not specific to the 3rd gen. 3rd gens all come w/1-door or 3-door smart key system (SKS). 2nd gens have either 0-door (aka no) SKS or 3-door SKS. Most folks tend to have SKS on 2nd gens...
+1 Also the PWR mode, changes nothing except the throttle response. No additional power, just less of a foot pedal depression to make the same vroom. This is different than the CT where SPORT mode actually boosts the dc-dc output.
I have an 09 and like the car. One of my biggest beefs with it though are the quality of the seats, specifically the driver's seat. It is just slightly more comfortable and supportive than a park bench. From what people have said the Gen 3 seats are better - if so that would be enough for me to go with the 2010.
This is a generalization that doesn't fit all. I am quite happy with the seats in my 06, and have made multiple multi-thousand mile journeys in < 30hrs with no issues. It is very dependent on what type of person you are. If you look more Japanese than AmericanIf you are not fat, you will probably find them more comfortable. Similarly if you are normal sized not fat and sit in a Ford F-Goliathan you bounce around in the seats and it is not comfortable at all. But if you are fat ... hefty, then it hugs you quite well. They each know their market, and it is made for the most common of their market.
Thanks to everyone's input. I've spent less than an hour in PriusChat to date, I am impressed with what I've seen so far. I test drove a 2010 iii with factory navigation package, got a question: Is a 'whining down' sound normal whenever the vehicle decelerates down to zero? I drove with the audio off to hear all sounds & noticed this to occur everytime I came to a stop.
The "whining" sound is more than likely the inverter recapturing your braking energy back into electricity through the regenerative braking system. This is why original friction brake pads ("normal" brakes on other cars) can last 100,000 to 200,000 miles because they are rarely ever used. The whining down, is because as your speed decreases less can be captured by the regenerative system. The audible whine is from the switched mode power supply under your hood converting this variable recaptured energy into ~240VDC to charge the battery. Also the regen brakes themselves make a bit of a whine too. Basically the wheels are "powering" little electric generators in the wheels.
It is not a generalization, but rather my opinion. You are welcome to your opinion just as I am to mine. The original poster was asking for opinions and I gave mine. As for the comment about whether you look American or Japanese, I do not have a clue what you were driving and will just say that is the sort of generalization that really has no place in society these days.