Saw my first LEAF in Ballamer today. It was on Cold Spring Lane, stopped for the light coming down the hill from Roland Park Ave to Falls Road. I glanced across the traffic divider and at first thought... What a strange looking Versa! But then I saw the charging port and graphics, pretty much in this aspect, same color too: Unmistakably and without a doubt a LEAF... Made my day. :rockon:
I saw 3 Leafs today on 237 going by me in the carpool lane (thanks to their white HOV stickers). I think two of the were silver.
Saw 2 blue Leafs today in south San Jose. One is probably one of the two regularly running around here but the other didn't have plates yet. Besides the above, I've seen maybe 5 other Leafs (3 instances might've been the same car) in the past few days. I guess they're finally getting more common. I finally saw another Volt recently. It was a black one so it was different than the silver on I'd seen running around before.
A leaf growing a tree is surrounded by other leaves. However, when the word leaf becomes a proper noun, as by its being used to name a specific product, the all-electric Nissan Leaf, in typical English/American usage the first letter in the word is capitalized and the plural is created by adding an "s." There could be many Leafs in the parking lot among the fallen leaves. Of course Nissan could decide to do something playful and arbitrarily decide for PR purposes that the plural of Leaf is non-typical. To celebrate their alliance with Renault, perhaps Leaux (pronounced Lee-oh)... or perhaps Leaii (pronounced Lee-ee-eye), to parallel Toyota's proclaiming the the plural of Prius being Prii (pronounced Pree-eye)... or maybe even Leauxii (pronounced Lee-oh-ee-eye) All in good fun. :cheer2:
There's a Leaf taxi operating in Dublin at the moment,haven't had a chance to talk to the driver,i work nights and have seen him quite regularly..i'm interested to know what mileage he gets from a charge,there are a number of on street charging stations,to date i haven't seen him hooked up to any during my 10-12 hour shifts.
We saw our White one in town Saturday. Always nice to see. Leaf is the ultimate green daily driver in my book.
I'll never forget it. Lakeland Florida, Christmas Eve Eve. Walking at the Lakeside Square Mall. Ironically, just after reading this article in The Lakeland Ledger earlier in the day: All-Electric Nissan Debuts in Polk County | . It was dark, and in the outdoor mall there are streets for cars to drive slowly through. I glanced up and saw the light blue color I thought I recognized as for the Leaf. I wondered, because the car looked different in the back from a typical car, as I saw a side view. But then confirmation, it had the Zero Emission Graphic on the side. As it drove on, looking at the back end I saw no tailpipe. I ran back to the Prius to try to see if they parked at the one and only charging station in Lakeland, but the space was occupied with a regular car.
Those stickers certainly are WAY over the top. It's like The Bill Merchant sticky logo on his head ... only on a car.
Saw a white one today in south San Jose. Not sure if it's the same one I've seen a bunch of times, but it turned right at a street place where I'd not seen the previous white one go before.
gotta tell you this story. Tues was at Tumwater Costco, swung by the EV charging station and it was ICE'd as always but passed TWO Leafs going the other way in the parking lot. one driver glanced towards the charging station then back to me and shrugged. so its apparent us Leafers think alike!
^^ Where in the lot is the EV station? I sometimes use that Costco as a refueling stop on north-south trips, but haven't done so since a recharge facility would have been added.
it is on right side as you face front of building about 40-50 feet from front door. its 110 volt so bring cord (and lock. had report of Leafer had her charging cable swiped while fishing) it has been there for years. i have used it several times in my Zenn (where i had to plug in to make it home!) **edit** from the website (they used to have much better picture!!) the plug is on near pillar on right side of pic its the one in the background you can barely see. problem with the space is the parking spot is too prime (one of only a few dozen near the building) so its almost always ICE'd. should have stuck it on a light pole in the middle of the parking lot like Market place did (its never ICE'd) but you do get a little wet
That's ridiculous. I'm sure you've seen the numerous stories on MNLs of selfish idiots (usually in SUVs) who take up EV charging spots w/their ICEVs and don't care. Yikes! That turned into an expensive charge. I saw a silver Leaf headed north on 280 near Foothill College. It was in the fast lane or one of the faster ones.