I know this has been answered before 'somewhere', but I can't find it. Let's say the temp outside is around 20 degrees F. I guess the engine coolant temp would be roughly 20 - 30 degrees F after an overnight outside sit with no heater ... what would the ballpark coolant temp be if a block heater was run for 3 hours before use ? Just wondering how high of a temp that a heater can get the coolant to after an overnight sit like mentioned above. Wondering if it's worth it, since my Prius warms up amazingly fast even without a block heater. REV
From what I have been reading [this is my first winter with a Prius] it really may not be needed. We have not seen any really cold temps yet this season. It was 14F this morning. She started fine. We leave 'auto' on and set to 70F. So when we power-up, right at 12 seconds later the ICE starts up. Get in, power-up, buckle seat belt, put in drive, and before she starts to move the ICE is running. Within 1/2 mile we generally can start feeling arm air from the vents and defroster. The interior heats up really fast. So far we have not needed to use the 'front defrost' or 'rear defrost' buttons, but I do try to keep the defrost setting selected on the thing that shows where air is blowing. Once winter gets here and temps finally drop down, our experience may be different. We are really pleased with how well she runs, and how quickly the interior warms up. Let you know how it works once we are between -10F and -20F.
Oh ... mine is fine too, I was just wondering what temp the block heater actually brought the coolant to. REV
I seem to recall a previous thread about block heaters which said that 3 hours of running the heater brought the coolant temp up to around 100 degF.
I think MSantos was saying a blockheater will typically raise engine block temp by around 30 degrees centigrade. That's around number, regardless of ambient temp and duration of use. We're in a very mild climate, southwest coast corner of Canada, and use it year 'round.
Because data is beatiful Here is Gen3 with blockheater being used about 2 hours. Block heater is not model what heats coolant, it is roughly 350w version what is bolt outside of the block so it kind a tries to warm up oil. Engine coolant usually ends up being 20C warmer than outside temp.