Another day, another nasty IE flaw brought to light. This is not the super critical flaw which was recently discovered (and still not patched!) . . . this one has all the potential to be much worse! Your personal data on your computer is at risk of being exposed! :angry: "This design flaw in IE allows an attacker to retrieve private user data or execute operations on the user's behalf on remote domains . . ." “ . . . this flaw and other software bugs could be used to covertly access virtually any application on a compromised computer.†“You can bet we will see this one being used to steal users' Quicken data, database files, etc." “ While IE is vulnerable . . . Firefox and Opera are not. For protection, Internet users could use one of those browsers or disable JavaScript in IE, Gillon suggested.† Mozilla 1.5 :wub:
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I just read this today at I have FF on my laptop,which has my sensitive data on it,but have yet to put it on the desktop. It is mostly used for surfing anyway. Also it would give my not to technical wife,something else to try and work, :lol: . May have to try and educate her in it,just for fun!
... If the user is dumb enough to click on a malicious URL, of course. The author said it himself, the type of exploit is nothing new, just that the "researcher" took it one step further and included Google Desktop as part of his PoC. Lack of restriction to cross-domain interaction has long been a problem in a variety of products, including a previous release of Firefox. The difference, though, is that Firefox actually patches these vulnerabilities and parses CSS by the book.