On Friday our daughter became Doctor Tegan Wetherbee Roobol, with a doctorate in physical therapy. Seven and a half years of college finally coming to a successful end. On to the next chapter in her life; hopefully a chapter not too far away from where we live. Tom
Congratulations are in order! However, I hope the student loans are manageable, and a good job in the near future!!
Congratulations to her! I hope she goes where she will be happiest, even if that means getting as far away as possible from her selfish, smothering parents.
Good comment about student loans. She is in pretty good shape. She made it through undergrad without any loans. She does have loans now, but she did a lot of GA work, which helped, and her husband is an aerospace engineer. His loans are paid off, so they only have hers to worry about. Tom
Nice! She won't have to stay married to him for too long much longer. (A study seemed to indicate that after no-fault divorce laws were introduced married couples were less willing to support each other through college. )
That's a smart daughter! It's less stress she will have to worry about and more energy she can devote to a job. That's the next hurdle, I wish her luck!