Hey guys! I've got a 2010 Prius, and I'm going on a road trip from San Francisco to Portland between Christmas and New Years. I'd like to drop by Bend, Oregon as well, but it looks like road conditions on Highway 20 can be mixed. Does anybody have experience driving out there? I checked road cams and things more or less look fine, but if you guys recommend carrying chains/cables I will do that. I'm a very experienced winter driver, but I haven't taken this car out into winter conditions before. Thanks!
Hey, I live in the NW. The conditions can change rapidly. So far? It's been a relatively mild winter. But the NW in the winter? I'd always recommend carrying chains/cables. Midly annoying case scenario. You haul chains or cables with you, and never have to use them. Worst case scenario. You get stuck in Oregon, needing traction devices and don't have them available. Road conditions in Oregon can be mixed. They also can change so rapidly. I'd bring them with me...
Yeah, I want to plan for the mildly annoying case scenario. I'm planning to buy the SCC Super Z cable product. Any recommendations? Other folks on this forum have mentioned those so it seems like a safe bet... Thanks for your help!
I'll also be in Bend for New Years, but expecting to take routes 26/97 instead of 20/I5. And driving an old Subaru with fresh tires, not the 2010 Prius with 3-season (i.e. half-worn All Season) tires that are now worthless in winter conditions. I'm not familiar with route 20, nor with 97 across the CA-OR border. But drivers on the other mountain crossings should be equipped with decent tires, chains, and plenty of patience. While not needed most of the time, rapidly changing winter conditions and heavy holiday traffic occasionally make for ugly roads on these routes.