I have an '11 model and have seen MANY '09 and earlier models that have been well kept and they still look awesome. Have also seen a few '11 models that look like crap because they have lazy owners. Take care of your Prius and it's all good!!!
It's all good IMO. I've been lucky enough in my life to be able to own "New" vehicles, and over the years I've been forced to own older and used vehicles. It's fun to have the latest styling or newest model. But, I've also enjoyed keeping a vehicle as it grows older. If you take care of it? There's a point where it's NOT being the latest becomes cool... I recently traded in a 15+ year old Honda Accord, and while the styling was obvioulsy early 90's, in some ways it was really cool. I'd have friends with newer vehicles, jealously comment on how they liked my 90's dashboard, that actually had a flat top, instead of the currently popular cascading waterfall that so many cars have adopted. Anyway, I enjoy both realities. It's neat sometimes to have "latest" but also can be fun, to maintain and enjoy the "difference" that develops as models progress. Sometimes "Latest" isn't greatest. However, I wouldn't apply that to vehicle safety. We've come a long way in just the past 10 years in how safe vehicles are...
Mine is coming up on its first year anniversary. Still like new to me, especially since I have such low mileage on it.
At 2.5 years, it still feels like a new car to me. And compared to the household's other cars, which have been with us for 15 and 23 years respectively, it still is a new car.
I envy those that have the older model Prius...they have the option for an after market battery pack. Still hoping they will come out with one for the Gen 3...soon! Then maybe my 2011 Prius will be able to go further on battery power than the 2012 Plug-in Prius
Considering Tideland Pearl was offered for 2 years, it's a fairly rare colour and most mistake it for Magnetic Grey (2006-2009 models). Aside from the usual nicks, it looks fantastic for a 7 year old car. A good coat of wax at least once a year goes a long way (claybar and sealant/glaze helps too with the shine).
Couldn't care less because the chassis and seating will be the same (ok, except for power seat) But, if they happened to tweak the seat slightly to the left, centering it in front of steering wheel, extend tele length, raise and pad the door armrest, I might be a little miffed (but the chances of that ..... 0.000001%)
Even with reports of Hymotion's giving it up after 3 years.... for, what is it, $10k?? Not my cup 'o tea.
Man, I don't miss my 2nd gen one iota, phwewey!! Geez what like/hate relationship << mistake! Felt weaker, little noisier, less solid, like sitting on a park bench, not a driver's seat, YUCK.
understood. but wasn't most of your complaint that you are too tall for the car? i am only 5'-8". i'm not a big fan of the III console. not because of the feel, but i think they could have made a better use of the space. i like having both cupholders available without opening the armrest cover. small thing, but that's me. are there a ton of improvements? no doubt. but you don't miss what you don't have.
Yes. No doubt should have rented 2nd for many days. As for the console, sure, they could have made better use of the space, but it's minor in the grand scheme of things. Minor quirks with the car, but overall, very good.