I've just spend the past hour going throught threads on here and can't find a simple solution to this problem (if there even is one). I don't have the smart key fob. I just have the normal key fob for a 2006 Prius. When I turn the car off and lock the doors (either using the remote or using the door lock switch inside the door) the horn honks. The horn also honks when I unlock the car using the remote. How do you turn this off? It's annoying and my neighbors are complaining. I don't want it to honk at me anymore when I lock or unlock the doors.
I can't say with certainty, but I recall that you can't disable this "feature" on the base model. The SKS models have a very gentle beep when the doors lock. It is much nicer than a horn. Tom
Yeah, it seems no one can say with certainty... I don't have an SKS model, so the latter isn't an option for me.
I've got a 2004 'base' model, and it doesn't beep. When I picked it up, they asked, and I said 'no beep, please.' The dealer must be able to change the setting. Maybe there are instructions somewhere on John1701's site.
Check out www.john1701a.com. I haven't searched the site to find out if the answer to your horn question is there, but there's a wealth of useful information about the Prius.
Is this "remote" the same as the key fob? Is there a 3rd party or aftermarket alarm? My folks have a base 2006 and there is no horn.
Yes, standard key fob. I bought the car used from a Honda Dealer who really didn't know much about Prius'. When I look under the driver's dash down by the pedals, there appears to be a kill switch over ride button hiding under the floormat. There's a blinking LED on it as well. It's not secured to anything, so it looks like there may have been an after market alarm installed at one point, but I don't have a remote for it. Would it be possible that is the cause of the horn to honk whenever I lock or unlock the doors using the factory key fob?
That sounds correct. I suspect an after market alarm. The more we talk about this, the more convinced I am that the base model does not beep when locking. Tom
that's strange then. i've installed after market alarms in the past and generally the horn honk would be tied into the alarm itself. I can't find a head-end alarm unit anywhere in the car, so somehow they tied the actual wiring of the door locks into the horn because the car honks using not only the key fob, but also when in use the interior door locking button on the door itself. If I'm sitting in the car, turn the car off, open the door and then press the door lock button on the inside of the door they horn honks as well. So, if I make that assumption, does anyone know what wire would be tied into the horn to make this happen?
My first thought was aftermarket alarm. Somebody will have to confirm, but I don't think that the Prius ever used the horn as a lock alert.
Could there be an extra wire attached to the horn? But if you pull that, then the alarm won't sound at all, not just when you lock the car. Sounds like the 'beep' is in the aftermarket alarm unit - do you really need two alarm systems?
This sounds like someone added in a relay from the locking pulse going to the solenoid and connected it to the horn circuit for audible feedback, since it also occurs when manually locking the doors.