About a week after I picked up my "vee" one of the passenger side breaks started to squeak when I would leave the house only after sitting for a while. Is this normal it only seems to be happening on the passenger side. I am thinking it might just be some condesation on the rotor or something but its definitly only comming from one wheel and goes away after driving about a block. Any similar experience. I am planning on having the dealer look at it as there is already a seat squeak / groan. I know where its comming from but I will leave the dealer to fix it.
hmm, I usually hear it on mine when its sitting too long outside with moisture backing up and lightly applying brakes.
The brakes aren't used as often as regular cars and if you regularly drive in the rain, you may want to brake a bit harder (or shift into neutral and brake) to "clean" the rotors once in a while. That *may* be one possible cause of the squeak.
There have been problems with Gen III front and rear brake noises, due to brake hardware. If you can reproduce it, take it to a dealer and complain.
Did you have this looked at yet? I have noticed the same noise in my v if I set the parking brake when I park in the garage at night. If I set the brake I can here a dragging sound while backing out of the driveway. Like the parking brake did not fully release. Once out of the driveway and up the street the noise goes away. If I just put it in park and dont set the brake the noise is not there. I am going to check it out at the first service here soon.
Check out this Popular Mechanics HowTo Page for Squeaky Brakes. The compound available for brake pads goes on the surface of the pad away from the brake disc NOT on the disc side of the pad. You have to take the wheel off and take the brake caliper off to get to it. This is available at most car parts stores for around $5. It is over $9 on http://www.amazon.com/CRC-Disc-Brake-Quiet-05016/dp/B000CINV88.
My v does the same ,that is a brake rub noise for the first couple of hundred feet in the morning when it is damp ouitside. I stopped at a toyota dealers today but of course I could not reproduce this noise. The service manager was sure it was from the moisture deposited on the rotor, since he has had numerous similiar complaints on other priuses ( not necessarily v's).
Unfortunately it is normal. I've had rear brake noise since day one on my Gen III. IT was loudest upon backing up after a cold soak, so my dealer installed updated rear pads. This solved the noise upon backing upon, but after a hard stop while driving forward, I can still hear a slight squeak. The rear brakes just aren't used much on this car so rust build-up will be come an issue.
I have a similar but different squeek. My rear left tire area squeeks when I start driving in the morning when the car is cold. It goes away after a mile or so...but I only have 2,500 miles on the car and it should have any issues!
Yes it seems like its the same issue with me. I have yet to get to the dealer got caught in holiday season.
Tried that. Toyota dealer said: "Is this your first Toyota?" Wouldn't give me a good answer except to say brakes collect rust when they sit. But my brakes groan as described above each and every time I make a stop. Think Toy has a service campaign but are a little shy to admit it.
This is a well-known problem on Gen III Prii, and it's very disappointing that Toyota didn't find a root cause and fix the problem. They posted a TSB for Gen III rear brakes. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...eshooting/97161-new-tsb-rear-brake-noise.html It two two trips to the dealership to get the low-speed brake squeal stopped. I still get a brief squeak when backing out of my driveway in the morning, but nothing after that. Nag the dealer shop more or find another dealership more willing to respond to customer issues.
In the Netherlands there is a fix for this problem. The rear disk break mounts are replaced. The part nummers are: 47822-47090 Mounting RR Disc Br Left 47821-47090 Mounting RR Disc Br Right