Are you changing it before 10k miles and do you want to do it yourself? Just so you know, you get free oil changes and 10k and 20k, but I'm sure the dealer explained that to you...Good luck!
I did mine at 1k but you'll catch some grief around here for changing "early". Here's a good thread:
I know it feels good to change to oil so early. What little $50 means when you just spent 20-30k on a brand new car. But there is no scientific reason why it should be changed so early. You got an advanced car with the most efficient engine and synthetic oil. Just save your cash and enjoy the car, don't waste money unnecessarily. Back to hints/tips, look into the oil change DIY thread
Here is the procedure and hints: I changed mine at 1500 miles, an early oil change doesn't hurt anything and may help. First oil change used oil analyses have indicated a lot of silicone and some metal shavings in the oil. Most of us (DIYers) are using Mobil 1 0W20 and Toyota filters, you may want to pick up a crush washer for the drain plug when you get the filter. Filters come with an O-ring for the filter cap. Have fun. :thumb:
Just changed my oil at about 1300 miles. Bought the Mobil 1 0-20W on sale, so the total cost using a Toyota filter was less than $30.
I'm in the camp that thinks it a waste to change early, even though it "might help." I changed between 9 and 10M the 1st time, and 10M the next two times. No sign that these recommended intervals did any damage. My unsupported feeling is that the car will be past its useful life for other reasons well before this difference in initial oil change interval would supposedly bring down the engine. I use Mobil1 0W20 and toyota filters. I'm at 32M and 2 years on the car. Expect to keep 15 years or so, and still have life left in it. Well, actually, I will look at a trade for the PiP, but my mindset is long-term.
It is your car and your money. Do what you feel is best for your car and gives you peace of mind. I also changed mine early the first time. Even though I am well aware that used oil analysis has indicated the 0W-20 synthetic can safely go beyond 10k miles, I continue to change my oil every 5k. My main reason is that 5k intervals gives me more frequent opportunity to get under the car and inspect for any leaks, cracked CV joint boots, etc. The 10k frequency is too long for me.
finished it a few hours ago. Wasn't too bad. Kinda confused me since there was no o-ring from the factory. Just a few observations. The panel which covers the filter and oil plug gets in the way (way to over engineer a simple process). What's the deal with the Japanese cars that can't seem to get the oil requirements at an even number 4.4q. My wife's Civic is the same's like 4.85. My previous two Saturn cars were 5q each, Vette is 8q. Just an observation
There should have been an O-ring on the filter housing from the factory. Hope you didn't miss it and put a 2nd one on there! I just fill 4 qts of oil into my Prius and call it good. I need to check the level soon - Probably next weekend or the following when I get around to putting my snow tires on.
My dealer told me there was no break in period - did your dealer tell you something different? 10K oil change is what they told me.
that's the weird thing is that I didn't see the o-ring which confused me. I checked all around the housing since I was trying to figure out where the o-ring went. What's the negative of having 2 o-rings if in fact the factory one was there in the first place?
No, you can't miss it. The o- ring gasket goes on the plastic piece that holds the paper filter. It's a fairly hard rubber gasket which fits into a groove above the threads, but do not use a metal tool to remove it! You can't fit two gaskets into the groove, only one. If worse comes to worst, I doubt that re- using the gasket once will cause a leak, certainly not a catastrophic leak. I think what's confusing you is that the black plastic o-ring is pretty hard and looks like the rest of the filter holder. You probably just aren't noticing it, but it's there.
There is what could look like two O-ring groves in the cap. The O-ring should go in the one closest to the threads. Some people have used the wrong one and had a little leakage. Putting one in each grove should not matter. If it were me I would take a look after driving it for a few hundred miles and see it there is any oil leaking out. If needed you can remove the filter cap and only lose 1/2 quart of oil or less.
I know this is one of Toyota's Ten Commandments, but I've done just that a couple times now, with no ill effects. Using a slim bladed screw driver to gently lift the O-ring up does no damage to the plastic housing. To the OP, you might get away with using exactly 4 qts. It'll put the level about midway between the two marks on dipstick, a bit closer to top on. Which is not a bad place to be. 4 liters will for sure be enough: put's the level 1/8"~3/16" below top mark. And regarding the cover: I opt to just take it entirely off. Obviously less wear-and-tear on the fragile hinge point, and better for access. There are two fasteners, I think one on the flap and one adjacent, that are a bit different. Flag them with a daub of paint or white out. The second time you take it off I think you'll find it's takes at most an extra 10 minutes (once you're familiar with it).
I have been checking under the car daily since the change an no leak. I'm going to put the car back up on the ramps later today and look behind the flap. (knock on wood) hopefully, everything is fine. I'll just let the dealership take care of the double o-ring when they change the oil for the first time.