I just wanted to throw this in here. I get pretty passionate about a lot of the subjects in Fred's. I want EVERYONE to know that I appreciate the camraderie and willingness to "let it all out". It is obvious that we all have a plethora (I like that word) of opinions on many issues. Some of us seem to agree with others, only to find out on a different issue we are at each others throats. I do not think less of ANY of you for your opinions. Just like a true family, blood is thicker than water. And less gasoline is better than more gasoline. I am positive I could meet any of you over a cup of coffee or a drink of an adult beverage and enjoy the conversation. We have A LOT in common, particularly the interest to go on a Prius site and post our thoughts for everyone else to see. If you risk nothing, you are guaranteed to get nothing...if you risk anything, you could potentially gain the world. To sum up....I love ya' man!
I whole heartedly disagree :angry: ...with the options between coffee or an "adult beverage." I just want a Coke...now give us a kiss. :lol:
Not so close, Schmika, I hardly know ya. I don't mind at all if you choose to disagree - in fact it makes for livelier discussion - so long as you stick to the points, and aren't trying to stick it to me. Debate the merits of the idea, not the demerits of the idea-er. I appreciate your sentiments, and I will try to put this nicely...um...your religious fervour makes me uncomfortable. As a confirmed atheist, I find it offensive when someone offers to pray for me or says god loves me. So, there's my risk. No hard feelings? Sure, we'd all get along better if we started with what we agree on, instead of focussing on our differences. I'll give it a try.
Mike: Well, if somebody is bothered by an opinion, they shouldn't enter into a situation where that opinion may be expressed. It's healthy to give-and-take, some folks though can only give. Sadly, you will eventually find yourself in a circular discussion that is better dropped. Facts, figures, etc, have no meaning, just closely-held beliefs. There are folks out there who still believe the Earth is flat, what do you do? Just smile and slowly walk away. In your line of work, I'm sure you already have enough career experience with loonies to have earned an honarary Ph.D. in Psychology. Pop quiz: with an irrational and potentially dangerous person, do you "correct" their blabbering or do you act in a calm and kind manner? I bet you know the answer. Try to deal with engineers all day long. We can agree on a very complex project, right down to the most insignificant detail, but will get into heated arguements at the coffee shop over flavorings. jay
I've enjoyed some of the heated discussions. Particularly Squid's latest poll. What I don't like is the format for such debates. Message boards are great, don't get me wrong, but many of these subjects are best tackled over a couple of pints, face to face. Printed text is tricky because one (I at least) tend to read someone else's post with an anticipated tone. All the emoticons in the world don't really convey that like tone of voice and facial expressions. Still, until airfare is free and everyone gets 6 mo vaction every year I don't think we'll be getting together to disucss these things. Probably for the best. I don't think my liver could take it.
Why don't why try to badger the voting public to make it happen? You never know, we might pull it off! Though I'm also waiting for the medical field to perfect cloning of important things like hearts and livers.
Too bad we couldn't all meet up and duke it out in the Octagon. [Broken External Image]:http://www.ultimatefightgear.com/_images/pictures/82_sm.jpg
well that's awful nice of you, schmika... but i'm real skittish about the 'l word' :lol: we all argue amongst ourselves, but that's what people do. that's what friends and family do. it's only human. that's my philosophical statement of the day. back to my pseudoephedrine, box of tissues and bowl of chicken soup...
as long as religion is not in the topic...I'm in agreeance with ya. There are many different personalities on this forum and it seems to grow larger every day. Some posters seem to get a kick out of launching a topic knowing full well that it will stir a frenzy. That's just the way it goes. I hope I'm not guilty of doing that - but it appears that the most controversial of topics get the most visits. Tripp - lets just toast on an e-pint shall we? Galaxee - get some rest and relax
Since my post was saying I don't want anyone to be offended and no one offends me, that if religion is mentioned all bets are off? Thats kind of weird. I can support torture or capital punishment or maybe even child molestation and you're OK, but mention God or Christ and it's."off with the gloves". I must misunderstand. But, no matter. It's ALL the same to me, I stand by my point. I hope everyone is able to "leave the personal anger" at the door and move on. Galaxee, "I" used "I" so "I" couldn't be accused of lumping anyone else in or generalizing. I now see that it may have appeared "holier than thou" or too personal, or something else. I didn't want to say we, because I don't know whether anyone else thinks that way or not. Am I babbling now?????
This reminds me of the lyric from a Tom Lehrer song about "National Brotherhood Week". He talks about how he knows that there are people out there who hate one another and he hates people like that! :angry:
While they're a lot cheaper I miss the rich flavor of a good IPA. Beggars can't be choosers though. I think what he's saying is that religion is one of those (by definition) personal beliefs and therefore it's hard not to get personal. There are probably other examples but that's the classic one.
hey arguments and disagreements are the only way a person grows. team dynamics works in well defined stages 1)storming- obvious meaning i think 2)norming- calming down, realizing that arguing gets no where 3)conforming- gathering th' facts and prioritizing 4)performing- git er done!! most of these principles work the same in any large gathering. now do all teams progress this way? no... fraid not and the US government is a great example of that. and sometimes we struggle to get out of phase 2 here. but that is all in the exploring and learning process i didnt come here to hear about the exact same experiences i've had or to convince anyone of my philosophy on life. life is too different to do that imm. so although i welcome the diversity, its not necessary for me to believe or embrace that diversity.
oh, that was just a joke. i was referring to the "L word" to make a funny and should have capitalized to clarify. i never think of that since i usually type in all lower case. no worries B)