Hey everyone! I'm new owner of 2008 Touring/Option 6 as of last night! And of course I've been doing some additional research online and came across this a site called consumeraffairs.com that lists multiple problems with Prius and Toyota's unwillingness to step up and correct some issues. Did I make a mistake?! I know every car has issues, but this laundry list does make me quite nervous. Thanks for all the insights/wisdom in advance!
No mistake in my opinion. I'm on my second (2004 and now 2010) and I'm very satisified with the Prius.
Don't be alarmed by an attorney's bait website. They exist to drum up business. Consumer Reports magazine finds Prius and Toyota among the most reliable of cars and brands.
Thanks for the assurance, I did do quite a bit of research before pulling the trigger. I guess I have the new-to-me-car jitters. I was and still am so happy to dump the gas guzzler.
Just breeze through the "200,000 Mile Club" thread located in the Gen II Main forum, it should give you some reassurance. My '08 has about 85,000 miles now and I couldn't be happier. The ONLY issue I have had is with my HID bulbs burning out (well known problem), so I really can't complain.
Yeah, the issues with HID is concerning and can't believe it hasn't been addressed by Toyo. I could put up with a $50 issue occasionally, but an ongoing issue with $200-250 per incident I can't stomach.
Yes, you made a mistake, but you can learn from this. Don't make the mistake of going to consumeraffairs.com again - they're a bunch of ambulance chasers of the sort that give lawyers a bad name.
The upside to the issue is that you don't necessarily have to go to Toyota to have them replaced for *ridiculous price* . New bulbs can be purchased from eBay for ~$45 USD a piece and there are instructions here on the forum to DIY.
There is some discussion about replacing the transaxle fluid every 60k miles. Toyota just has it "checked" but no replacement date. It is supposed to be "lifetime" fluid, but when your transaxle dies that date is the "lifetime" date. When you take it in for your first service, have the change the transaxle fluid as well. Costs less than $50 (much less than replacing a transaxle).
So true, so true! PD, notice the difference here: Consumer Reports vs. Consumer Affairs. Consumer Reports is the unbiased group that attempts to test and rate everything. Consumer Affairs is a bunch of class action lawyers who claimed squatters' rights to a website that looks and sounds a lot like a legitimate consumer advocacy group. Someone who can't quite remember the name Consumer Reports could easily be tricked into believing they wanted Consumer Affairs all along. And once there, they are again tricked into buying into their own get rich scheme (class action lawyers make tons of money while the actual victims usually get relatively little). Also, my '04 is still running great after seven years and almost 90,000 miles. Welcome aboard. :welcome:
Please post the name and location of the Toyota dealer that only charges $50 for a fluid change with ATF WS. Lowest I have ever heard of is about $75, typical is $80-$100. Just trying to manage expectations for the original poster, who should get a trans fluid change done.
We purchased a 2007 Prius. We were so impressed with the car that we purchased a second 2010 Prius. We are just so pleased with the cars that we may purchase a PIP to replace the 2007. Relax my friend and enjoy your New Ride!
60K+ miles on both 2007 Prius and 2005 Honda Odyssey. WAY fewer problems, and zero serious problems, on the Prius. Odyssey? Well I've gotten back the value of the extended warranty a few times over at this point. Enjoy the Prius, read these forums & learn what to look out for, you'll be fine. - D
91k miles on my 06 and no issues....there is a guy on here (too fast 4 u) who has 450k on an 09 (original owner too) and he's mostly on all original parts. toyotas for the most part are bulletproof...enjoy the reliable mundaneness called Toyota
psycho_drama I don't know your needs for a car or your finances, but if you've made a mistake you may find that it was not buying a Prius sooner. My wife has a Prius at the top of her "want list" and I'm sure that after she finally buys one she will be asking me why I didn't insist that she get it sooner. Of course, I'd prefer not get into the issue of why I don't care to insist. That's a lesson that life has taught me.
Read up on HIDs: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...n/101472-not-all-hid-bulbs-created-equal.html Inside of there is an explanation of the D4x vs D2x bulbs, the Toyota HID non-issue and why not to purchase cheap flea-bay bulbs.